
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2011 2:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Barbur Boulevard MAX looking like a done deal. The next post in this blog is Extreme narcissism alert. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho, to Chapter 9 we go

You don't need a TV show to parody Portlandia. We're doing fine on our own.

Comments (12)

Well, that's one way to get people to ride these things.

Wait a minute... who are these guys?!?

Did I miss the notice of this Concert?

Perhaps this could be my only chance to ride the Portland Streetcar. Please help me to find the music. Where and when can I leave Tigard and enjoy this festival? Is it possible to drive?

I'd go for a ride if Storm Large was one of the bands.

Is it true Bono is coming to Portland to do a Streetcar concert?

I heard that on OPB at lunch time...

Go By Streetcar!


Do the entertainers act as fare collectors too?

I'm soooo confused--I thought downtown was a no-fare (ie, Fareless Square) zone. And aren't regular fares boosted to $2.40 now???

Great. Impotent whining parading as music, with clueless hipsters clapping their hands and exclaiming "Oh, that's so deep!" If I wanted to listen to that noise, I'd stay home and buy a Nickelback album.

dhughes: Where and when can I leave Tigard and enjoy this festival?

Take the 12 Barbur bus from Tigard to 6th and Market. Walk back one block to the PSU Urban Center and catch the bus there. (That's actually how I get to work, except I use the 94 bus and don't touch the Streetcar.)

Michelle: I thought downtown was a no-fare (ie, Fareless Square) zone.

Only for the losers who have to ride the bus. The elite rail riders still get a free ride downtown - MAX and Streetcar are part of the "Free Rail Zone".

Now you know why bus ridership is down and rail ridership is up. Just as a sidenote, in Seattle they have a "fareless square" zone that is in effect 7 days a week between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, but is for buses only. ST Express light rail trains and the Seattle Streetcar (a.k.a. SLUT) are not free; nor is the Seattle Monorail (which is privately operated); and when the Waterfront Streetcar was in operation it too required a fare at all times. When the Streetcar was forced to shut down and it was replaced with a bus, the bus advertised it was a "Fare-Free Ride", but the 99 route was really geared towards tourists visiting the waterfront area and connected with King Street Station and the International District - and that's it.

"Picture yourself on a train in the city, with cloudy gray skies and transitry fees"

"Somebody calls you, your cell phone is noisy, some guy has those psycho-like eyes"

Took me a minute to get that...

Good one!

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