
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2011 4:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was Hi ho, hi ho, to Chapter 9 we go. The next post in this blog is Somebody might get lucky. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, September 19, 2011

Extreme narcissism alert

Be careful with your e-mail this afternoon. Several readers report that their inboxes have received a message from Portland's mayor with his latest breaking news:

The fact that I’m now most frequently stopped in airports around the world and asked if "I’m that guy on Portlandia" instead of mayor of the best city in America, underscores the amazing power the film industry can have on our international visibility.

We're starting to feel a little sorry for this guy.

Comments (23)

It's interesting that the first business mentioned is Nike. Nike is in unincorporated Washington County. It's not in Portland -- and there's a reason for that.

So Sam will now make $50K an episode as the queer Mayor of Portlandia, boinking high schoolers for fake on TV instead of for real.

So I think I have found the job that Sam is qualified for.

Is there a word for - person grateful for the attention, while unaware of being openly mocked?

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Funny, I asked him if he's that guy that lied to get elected while he trolled for underage partners and he didn't mention anything about the best city in America.

I don't talk to creepy looking men in airports...

But I'm sure he has a wide stance.

Sam's now officially jumped the shark.

And landed in a deep trench filled with whale$#•+.

Sayonara sucker!


Oh yeah! Mayor Creepy is the "guy In Portlandia" alright!
More like "neverneverlandia"! Put a bird on it!

I think Mayor Adams could get a career in the movies. After all, he is currently playing a real life, William Macy type character in his role as "Mayor."

I would be willing for us city of Portland taxpayers to pay both Adams and Commissioner Leonard to both take long vacations for the next sixteen months. I want them go off and have fun, and leave me and the rest of us regular citizens the heck alone during the remainder of their lame duck terms. We've already lost two personal conveniences (like once a week garbage can pickup service) since July. And now Adams wants to throw more city and state monies at the Oregon Financial Unsustainable Center (Guess he quickly forgot the City Auditor's July 2011 report about the city spending and borrowing too much).

Do you think Novick and Brady/Hales are going to be much better? Doesn't seem like a great bet.

Save yourselves before it's too late: move to Clark County.

Leave PDX to the Goldschmidt ol' boys, the unions, the developers, and the drug addicts.

I thought he would be more embarrassed by those stopping him asking, "Hey, aren't you that guy from America's Most Wanted?"

Wait, what? Clark County doesn't have a problem with drug addicts? Or developers pulling the strings of city and county government? Mister Tee, you need to stop crashing on the Chamber of Commerce sofa when you've had too many...

Watch: after he's left office, Sam will have such attention withdrawal symptoms that he'll sign on for any TV appearance. That's when we get the financing for a full 30-episode run of "Ow! My Balls!"

Good for Sam.

How much longer until he realizes that he can do more, be more...in Hollywood (where he can easily commute to/from San Francisco on a whim for his streetcar/trolley/iconic bridge fix)?

And Los Angeles has a burgeoning commuter rail/heavy rail/light rail movement going on for the last two decades and continuing...so maybe he can get a nice cushy job with the LACMTA or Metrolink (an agency that runs only the commuter trains, and doesn't deal with those pesky things called buses)...or start the Los Angeles Streetcar Company to recreate the days of the Yellow Cars.

One has to wonder if the producers invited the mayor out of generosity, or did the Portland taxpayer buy an advertising spot?

"These limelight moments show that this is a great place to visit, live, work and start a business–even if Grimm makes it seem like there are monsters in Forest Park."

There ARE monsters in Forest Park....commonly known as RAPISTS.

"How much longer until he realizes that he can do more, be more"

In Sam's world, anything is possible since he is king.

...the second most-often asked question he gets is "Didn't I see you making out with an underage teen in the City Hall men's room?"

...the third most is "Hey, weren't you that guy who swore in press interviews that your relationship with Breedlove was a lie, then later admitted that you made all that sh*t up?"

...the fourth most-often asked question is "Adams, when are you leaving office again? Because I want my city back."

Sadly, by the time they leave it won't be anyone's city anymore.

Mr. Grumpy,
Am afraid you are right.
Witnessing this city go down has been overwhelming and unfortunately Sam/Rand are getting final nails ready...
the gravy train wants every last drop they can get!

Yes, everyone here in Portland recognizes the mayor of Amsterdam because he was on "Our Mayor does Prinsengracht". We watch this series around the world.

Sam, what a narcissist.

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