
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2011 10:37 AM. The previous post in this blog was Don't fight stupidity with more stupidity. The next post in this blog is Old voices, new statements. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

'Dogs are beautiful, the second time around

It's week 2 of the NFL season, and the weekend pickin's in our charity pro football underdog game have closed. Here's what our players called:

9.5 CAROLINA vs. Green Bay - Paul, Bob, Drewbob
9 JACKSONVILLE at New York Jets - Tommy W., Gary, Bad Brad, Michael K.
8 KANSAS CITY at Detroit - Annie, Usual Kevin, John Cr.
7 SAN DIEGO at New England - Larry Legend
6.5 CHICAGO at New Orleans - NoPoGuy, PDXileinOmaha, Rudie, Gordon, Broadway Joe, AKevin, Eric W.
5.5 TENNESSEE vs. Baltimore - Pete Rozelle
4.5 CINCINNATI at Denver - Ricardo
4 ARIZONA at Washington - mna, Grizfan, John Ch.
3.5 OAKLAND at Buffalo - Carol, Biggest Cubs Loser
3 TAMPA BAY at Minnesota - Brook, jmh
3 SAN FRANCISCO vs. Dallas - Weavmo
2.5 ATLANTA vs. Philadelphia - john dull

No one in the group was interested in Seattle, St. Louis, Miami, or Indianapolis.

In other news, so far we have the same number of paid players as last year (32), and our benefactor has agreed to chip in $250 as was done last year, and so barring further entrants, the amounts given to charities (501(c)(3) organizations) at season's end will be the same as last year:

First prize - $500 to player's favorite charity
Second prize - $165 to player's favorite charity
Third prize - $100 to player's favorite charity
Fourth prize - $75 to player's favorite charity
Fifth prize - $50 to player's favorite charity

A nice kitty for the 'dogs. Have a great day, and enjoy the games, everybody!

UPDATE, 3:14 p.m.: Tampa Bay and Tennessee come through, putting Brook and Pete Rozelle on the board. Jmh scores for the second week in a row and takes sole possession of the lead in the standings. Three players have games going this afternoon and evening.

UPDATE, 4:30 p.m.: No winners this afternoon; one player in the running this evening.

UPDATE, 9:52 p.m.: Vick went down, and the birds of Atlanta flew in, meaning that our player john dull is on a two-game win streak. Twenty-four of our players have zero points, which means that there's still time for new players to get involved. There are 18 weeks to go, and prizes will go to the charities chosen by our top five finishers.

Comments (2)

My Jacksonville pick was a real stinker. On the bright side, that Oakland/Buffalo game was out of this world!

And, "Mojo's Best Bets" come thru!

Sorry that the "Upset Special" (Bears) didn't pan out. Happy to see the Ravens humbled by Tennessee, though off my board.

Stay tuned for next Saturday's "Best Bets." Just getting warmed up. Tough touting after the summer lockout, player roulettes, and truncated pre-season with long casualty lists.

Remember: it's a 17-week regular season + playoffs

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