Busy work is never done
They're baaaaaack. The people who work on the fancy bricks that pave the streets on the Portland Transit Mall, that is. Our reader who's been following their antics notes that the bricks at this intersection have been worked on, on and off, since May, and the hardhats are now back after just a 58-day absence. The reader writes:
Guess what is happening again on the EuroMallâ„¢ at 5th and SW Washington. This one looks to be more of a "maintenance" project wherein they pour sand over the magic bricks and sweep it around.

What budget problems? Go by streetcar, people! (But hurry before the fares go up.)
Comments (4)
"Brick Fairies". This is Portlandia, after all. They bring us good luck.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | September 9, 2011 10:20 AM
The Sands of Overtime.
Posted by Bill McDonald | September 9, 2011 11:48 AM
Jack, it is silica sand. Which has some toxicity, lung problems. Where's the DEQ?
Posted by lw | September 9, 2011 12:19 PM
TriMet: Creating maintenance and construction jobs for years to come.
(By the way, thanks to the decorative brickwork, we're going to increase fares AND cancel bus replacements for another two years.)
Posted by Erik H. | September 9, 2011 1:00 PM