
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2011 12:14 AM. The previous post in this blog was 'Dognostication, Week 2. The next post in this blog is Everything's pokey in Pocatello. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Canary dies in Queens

If the Republicans can take this district, they're surely going to take the White House. It might be worth Democrats' while to cross over to the GOP ranks now, and try to influence who the Republican Presidential candidate will be next year. Whoever it is will be the odds-on favorite -- no matter how wacko they are.

Comments (11)

After your readership freaks out and bushbash, they can hopefully read carefully what you said: "...try to influence who the Republican Presidential candidate will be next year."

Too many people are scared, unemployed and disappointed. It's easy to be snarky online but things are getting very bad and it's time for survival mode. Passionate hatred and name calling is just Fail.

The media has lost all credibility.

I think it's going to be time to look past promises and look at factual, not slanted history and hope the least Wacko wins!

Well, perhaps it's time to implement a plan one of the BPOCs (big politicos on campus) had back in the 70s. Those of us who want to reign in the right (and decades later want fiscal responsibility) register as Republicans and move the party to more reasonable behavior. I read recently the the OR GOP dropped a bit of their anti-gay platform because the younger members pressured them to do so.

And my friends in NY say there was some anti-gay marriage blacklash involved in Turner's election.

The imitation Zen masters are currently thinking up talking points. Be patient.

Maybe those racist naysayers were right and Obama really was an inexperienced narcissistic neophyte.

I say Hillary should challenge him with a VP who can lead the party forward. If they lose, at least the Democratic party will have a future. Obama is toast even if he wins, and nobody is going with SlowJoe afterward.

Check this out, it might be worthwhile. As an independent, I signed up to be a delegate. What can I lose?


Dems can't spin this one away, but for NYC districts this one is more conservative than you might think--only 55% for Obama in 2008, same as for Kerry in 2004. The candidate this time around had a few major gaffes, and the GOP candidate ran a heavily pro-Israel campaign in the district with a large Hasidic population. Again, not to spin this one in a pro-Obama way, but it's not like they lost Charlie Rangel's seat or something.

Harry - Hillary recently told some talking head media type that she no longer has any interest in being president. She's wise. Basically I don't see how anyone in that office can succeed. The economy is an utter mess and not fixable, I don't think, at least as long as big business and the ultra rich have Congress and the courts in their pockets. Only an idiot or meglomaniac would want to step into a position of power with ultimate FAIL written all over it.

Hillary said she was not interested.

She did not say:
If nominated, I will not run. If elected I will not serve.

A draft effort could get her in the race.

And yes, it is a tough, thankless job that requires somebody with experience and temperament. Not what we have today. And with SlowJoe not what tomorrow brings either.

The Republicans lost my vote back in 2000, and have worked hard to keep me away from them. I reluctantly voted (R) for the first time in 2010 just because I hated all of the (D) candidates.

The Dems attracted me, kept me in 2008, and lost me in 2009. Too far to the left with special interests, telling me what's best for me as they strip funding for services I use to pay for their pet projects and their developer and (anybody-but)"green" buddies.

I might just sit out this next election - first election I've sat out in many years. Both parties are way too far to their extreme that neither represent me at all.

Hillary will take a Sherman only if they stand ab over her coffin with a stake and silver bullet in a 45.

I will once again be voting for the third party candidate with the coolest sounding name. And for the smaller offices I will vote for the non-incumbent. At least a protest vote is not a wasted vote.

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