
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2011 3:56 AM. The previous post in this blog was The new rehab: Portland police telephone reporting unit. The next post in this blog is The 13th floor. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Hey everybody, it's Bill Clinton's birthday

He's 65 today. Happy birthday, Bill! And thanks for sending all our jobs to Mexico and China. It's worked out great.

Comments (10)

I'd take 4 more years of Bill Clinton over Obama, Bush or any of the jokers running for president right now. The country was a hell of a lot better off when he was in the White House.

There was no deficit under Clinton. And Wall St. and the banks were not getting away with crime after crime and then getting bailed out.

Clinton passed Gramm-Leach-Bailey (repealed Glass-Steagall). Arguably the biggest contributor to the financial crisis.

And his Chinese friends are forever grateful for his approving the sale of ballistic missile guidance technology for their weather satellites.

Well there were not endless wars feeding the military industrial complex and Blackwater while he was pres.

Lucas - Maybe you're not old enough to remember, but Bill Clinton bombed Iraq seemingly every other day.

And shot $2 million missiles into $2 Afghanistan tents in a failed bid to stop Al Qaida.

Clinton and NATO dropped plenty of bombs on Yugoslavia. And it's probably a good thing they did.

And shot $2 million missiles into $2 Afghanistan tents in a failed bid to stop Al Qaida

AKA "Operation Forget Monica"

"There was no deficit under Clinton"

This is not an accurate statement of fact.

"There was no deficit under Clinton" This is not an accurate statement of fact.

The country ran a budget surplus during the last several years of the Clinton administration. Beats the trillion dollar deficits under Obama and Bush.

Lucas - Maybe you're not old enough to remember, but Bill Clinton bombed Iraq seemingly every other day. And shot $2 million missiles into $2 Afghanistan tents in a failed bid to stop Al Qaida.

Beats having thousands of Americans die in two stupid wars that I can't for the life of me figure out why we are still there.

Clinton passed Gramm-Leach-Bailey (repealed Glass-Steagall). Arguably the biggest contributor to the financial crisis.

The Bush administration turned a blind eye to all of the shenanigans that the financial industry was up to. Most Americans knew something wasn't right when their minimum wage neighbors qualified for mortgages and used them to buy mini-mansions.

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