
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2011 9:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Lovely, dark and deep. The next post in this blog is Found: a gray hoodie. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obama ready to go for his seventh war?

What the heck, let's attack Syria. We've got money for it.

Comments (8)

How Nobel of him.

What next? Cuba?

I guess Obama is going for the "Team America: World Police" attitude. I am so sick of it. We can go spend god awful amounts of money on these conflicts yet schools can't afford textbooks that aren't 20 years old.

In the next war, maybe we should drop IOUs on the enemy.

Don't get me wrong - Assad is a total horror movie in addition to being a major dork. I hate how he opens fire on unarmed civilians in his country.

You have to give our President credit: He only opens fire on unarmed civilians in other countries.

Of course, if you're a little kid in Libya slowly dying as you drag your half-burnt body through the sand, it's not much of a distinction.

Well Bill,
Who knows what our next fate may be?

Obama is a hypocrite. Obama was a huge war critic during his campaign, who then morphed into a war hawk afterwards. But the lapdog media, and the idiot anti-war protesters (Cindy who?) are all too busy celebrating our Nobel Peace Prize President, to protest his many (mostly failed) wars.

And Obama was supposed to be able to negotiate much better than Bush, yadda yadda yadda.

At least with Bush, we knew we were getting a cowboy warrior. With Obama, we seem to be getting a Carter warrior.

Agree. However did it happen that everything got so upside down,
...what exactly are all these elected officials doing for the public?

As far as the books go, the only upside is there may be more truth telling in the old books, as I hear new ones coming out are rewriting a bit of history.
I haven't done much research on that, so am asking the question, what is going on with the books?

Were not going to really do anything in Syria. The linked article doesn't mention anything about military action, other than another warning by Obama and the possible threat of "isolating" Assad. But anyone who knows anything about Middle Eastern geopolitics knows the big reason why military action in Syria isn't an option.

All part of the plan. Replace the old phoney dictatorships/kings with phoney "elected" rulers.

Sort of what we have here today- election by selection of the very few.

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