
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 14, 2011 2:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Nothing comes between the Twins. The next post in this blog is Better dying through chemistry. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am not a crook

And so a nonstory becomes even more of a nonstory.

The maximum security immigration jail next door to a grammar school, though -- that part's not going away. And now the city bureaucrats will have even more of an excuse for sneaking around on the project: "The feds say it's top secret."

Comments (11)

Does ICE stand for:

Internet Control and Enforcement?

Congrats for informing the public and starting a debate about this jail. Oh yeah, and for staying out of jail yourself.

So their sound and fury letter signified nothing?

In the history of "FederalInvestigations" I have never seen them move this quickly unless theythe kabosh came from MUCH higher up the org chart.

The secret is in the basement. Waterboarding below the water table.

"A king among Oregon's Internet bloggers" - is there another type?

But I'm glad you can breathe easily/easier again.

You know Jack's written lots o posts
O Lord he's popped a few egos
But he's never touched nothin'
That didn't deserve a roast
You know we've seen lots of politicians
With lies dripping from their mouths
But the Feds don't care
About the little guy

God damn the Federal
God damn I say the Federal
I said God damn, God damn the Federal Man

You know the wheelers and dealers
Have the love of money like zealers
But the Federal man is monster
Power crazy, he's not a natural man
The Fed man for a nickel
Would deal his mama a bad hand
And be acting all bland

God damn the Federal
God damn I say the Federal
I said God damn, God damn the Federal Man


Glad the tempest in the tea pot is over, Jack.

Congrats ..... for staying out of jail yourself.

Glad the tempest in the tea pot is over.

Although I suppose it reduces your stress level to have this closed, Jack, I can't join in the celebrations. To the contrary, nothing would have elevated you to a higher status faster than to be persecuted by this bumbling, secret organization that makes the rules up on the fly. And then to have it all covered by the Oregonian, who I'm sure wishes it was their staff reporter instead of you in the limelight, so they could scream bloody murder about it and act as if they had some significance in local news coverage.

Fascinates me that the plans need to be secured, because presumably well-trained and armed ICE personnel need to be concerned about criminal intentions of detainees, but kids next door? They'll be fine. Love the clarity of logic exemplified by the big picture folk we have at all levels of government these days.

What am I going to do with all these


t-shirts? Maybe the G.S.A. will buy them.

Newleaf, many of the administration and parents of the next-door School feel the same way.
They wonder how 100 potential daily detainees next door makes their school safe.

They wonder if there is nothing to worry about, why the plans of the facility must be kept secret.

They wonder why they must look out at enclosed areas with concertina wire.

They wonder why arriving buses of detainees have controlled, secure areas.

They wonder how the ICE Tacoma facility that really operates as a Jail, or more politely, Detention Facility is any more different than the SoWhat proposal.

They wonder why their landlord pulled all kinds of shenanigans, offering threats about their lease, if they spoke about their concerns if everything is so "no-worry", above board.

And, of course, they wonder about Randy Leonard and Ty Kovatch who insisted it's "only an office building" and denied the rightful Conditional Use Review which allows citizens to voice concerns.

Now they wonder if our City Council will listen to them after the Conditional Use Hearings Officer probably denies their concerns. Or LUBA, or Appeals Court. Maybe the OR Supremes.

Lucs -- Nice rework! Well done!


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