
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 26, 2011 8:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Did Kellie Johnson really win 200-plus criminal trials?. The next post in this blog is Wu quits. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

$8 a month, every month

Portland's mayor hasn't officially announced that he's running for re-election next year, and his campaign activity is pretty much flat-lined. But according to the state campaign finance database, he still spends $8 every month on something. Anybody know what it is?

Comments (14)

Beau's alimony?

Beau's hush money.


My guess is: web hosting, because of the amount and regular end-of-month charge.

My guess is: a locker at Steam Portland, because of the amount and regular end-of-month charge.

Classmates.com membership to stalk the next Beau?

It's not for his old campaign domain, www.samforpdx.com. It has already expired.

In looking at other candidates filings, you see that there is some sort of reference and a specific category that this should be referenced under. It should be a more transparent transaction.

Probably a bank charge.

"Pez of the Month" Club membership.

It's his subscription to "Mentors R Us".


It's his X-Box Live monthly charge. That, or Netflix.

Stop complaining, you voted him in well aware of his personal activities.

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