
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2011 6:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was A renegade is brought to justice. The next post in this blog is Finally, a live video feed from Fukushima. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Time in bottles

The Oregon legislature seems poised to add more containers to the list of those requiring a return deposit at the point of purchase in Oregon. "It would expand the types of items covered to include just about any glass, metal or plastic beverage container, except for those that hold milk, wine or liquor."

A couple of questions:

1. Why are milk, wine, and liquor still exempt?

2. Are they going to raise the number of containers allowed per return trip from the current 144? Or are they going to require more frequent trips to the store or recycling depot -- which doesn't sound too, y'know, sustainable?

The bill "would also increase the current nickel deposit to a dime if redemption rates fall below 80 percent two years in a row." That part's long overdue.

Comments (15)

Every! bottle like container in Canada has a deposit, wine, liquor and milk, soap, etc. It is just part of the cost of living up there. Salt Spring Island has banned plastic bags too and all the grocery stores in BC either charge 3 cents a bag or credit 3 cents for the bags you bring with you. There is also very little trash.
The gasoline is taxed too and guess what...minimal pot holes and their bridges aren't falling down. And their health care system is pretty good too, IMO.
The Canadian banking regulations kept the country from having the troubles we have had here, but that is another topic.

That original nickel's equivalent today must be at least a quarter.

Re: "1. Why are milk, wine, and liquor still exempt?"

The liquor lobby in OR is very, very, very powerful.
Ever wonder why there is no cap on the number of liquor licenses?

There is an thinking under way in the wine industry to re-use wine bottles. Pretty good idea, imo

They didn't get an exemption for beer -- why wine? And why milk jugs?

Wasn't there a budget issue at one time?

What a bunch of morons.

Wine and liquor bottles are great for target shooting; glad to see they are not wasting recycling $$.

That nickel in 1971 is worth 28 cents now, according to the fed's CPI calculator. You're pretty much dead on, Allan.

Its time for a COLA.

Have they installed the inspection stations yet at the city limits? I'm bringing in a six month supply of doogie poop bags and don't want to get fined or arrested.

A can of paint'll set ya back 75 cents extra:


I can't figure out if this is a deposit, or if I'm funding a "non-profit".
I thought we had Metro drop-off and the paint was recycled and resold. I bought & used 5 gallons to paint the house a couple of years ago.

I'm OK expanding the bottle bill to anything that is sold out of a vending machine. Everything else, please don't. Currently that all goes into the recycle bin and I really don't want to store then haul it down to the grocery store if I don't have to.

As for going to a dime per bottle, why? I haven't seen an increase in the number of returnable bottles in our ditches yet. When people start tossing them out the window again is the time to increase our deposit.

I hate taking my bottles back to the store. Couldn't there be a way to get the deposit back even if you are recycling curbside?

I'm going to Idaho this weekend. Anyone need a stash of plastic bags?

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