
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2011 11:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was Time in bottles. The next post in this blog is The straight skinny on Fukushima fallout. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Finally, a live video feed from Fukushima

It's been more than seven weeks since the earthquake, tsunami, and resulting blackout destroyed four atomic reactors at Fukushima, Japan, and unleashed a steady stream of radioactive releases to air and water. Unlike Chernobyl, whose large releases were over by seven weeks out, Fukushima is nowhere near through poisoning the air, groundwater, and ocean.

Finally, somebody has set up a live video feed from the meltdown site. At the moment, at least, it's showing the west side of, from left, reactors 1, 2, 3, and 4. Reactor 3, behind the venting tower in the center of the frame, had the most violent of the three explosions at the site; it's been giving off a constant plume of radioactive steam or smoke since it detonated. Reactor 4, on the right, likely has the worst spent nuclear fuel pool problems. Reactor 2, to the left of no. 3, still has most of its containment building intact, but the radiation inside is reportedly the worst of the four. Reactor 1 is on the far left near the other tower holding transmission lines. The turbine buildings and Pacific Ocean are just behind the reactors.

Here's the feed. The time in Japan is 16 hours ahead of ours -- or eight hours earlier, the next day:

Comments (6)

In addition to the nasty white cloud coming out of no. 3, from time to time you'll see a little puff come out of the back of no. 2. That's coming through a square hole in the exterior wall on the east side that was either cut out or blown out about the time the other reactors were exploding.

At this hour, no. 4 is also steaming away. This looks really bad, folks.

Oops! Now the camera's turned in a different direction, showing pretty much nothing. What a mindscrew.

Should have known better than to expect any sort of transparency from the nuclear industry, particularly in Japan.

Now it seems to be pointing in the right direction, but getting fogged in.

I get "an error occurred".
Nothing there.

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