
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2011 10:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Library tax pitch changes key. The next post in this blog is New York State moving toward bicycle licensing. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The few, the proud -- the Portland water guards

You won't get to carry a gun -- at least not yet -- but adventure awaits.

Comments (9)

I'm picturing a snazzy designer uniform like the Nike Ducks. A large pipe wrench slung from the SWAT belt in black with "Grab On" padding for thick skulls (I felt threatened)and rusty shut off valves.

The: "conduct site surveys; and inspect grounds for general safety hazards that would endanger the public or staff" Simply means keeping bike lanes free of evil autos and other debris.

If they disconnect all the reservoirs, what do they need guards for?

So what activities in the past have brought forth this new job opening?


Randy needs his private "police force" to get all those "difficult or upset" persons to pay their water bills. Or maybe just for the fun of terrorizing the general populace.
I guess the HIT squad and the new navy he is building just isn't enough for the fireman.

And while the government is slowly bleeding out money, the city can hire more?

Why not just hire a few more cops? At least they would be worth more than glorified security guards to the city.

I bet that is what would happen if Sam would just let Randy have the police.

Does Leonard even pretend to serve the city any more, or have we become his subjects?

Arrogant, angry, power-hungry, thug-like, and killing this city with our own tacit approval.

"And while the government is slowly bleeding out money, the city can hire more?

Why not just hire a few more cops? At least they would be worth more than glorified security guards to the city."

Actually the people hired for these jobs may be retired PPB officers. There is nothing in Oregon law to prevent a retired police officer (or firefighter) who retires from the City via a Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund pension from going immediately back to work in a PERS covered position. In fact it's quite common for PPB officers and firefighters to go to work for either the City or a smaller jurisdiction. Just another perk for the men in blue (and red or whatever color the fire fighters are.

Does Leonard even pretend to serve the city any more..

No, what did happen to Randy?

When money matters more to Randy than the health of our community and financial well being, it clear he is selling us out.

Don't forget, this stuff got started after 9/11, when people were afraid the reservoirs were going to get spiked. This is not a new position.

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