Lots of smoke in Cylviagate back room
Here's Oregon attorney general John Kroger and then-governor-elect John Kitzhaber privately discussing an ongoing criminal investigation that targeted, among others, Kitzhaber's girlfriend on suspicion of official corruption -- nearly a month before the sitting governor got the details, and more than a month before the public got them. Kroger and his chief criminal lawyer twisted Kitzhaber's arm to get the girlfriend, Cylvia Hayes, to pay back money she got under a questionable state contract. She never did, but Kroger and crew let her slide anyway.
When Kroger runs for re-election next year and governor in 2014, do you think he'll get Kitzhaber's endorsement? Too funny. Sing with us, kids: "It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all...."
Comments (13)
It's a backwater after all...
Posted by dg | March 30, 2011 11:48 AM
What else does AG let slide? I'm not a lawyer so I don't know how these things work, but when does a federal investigator or a bar association start to care?
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | March 30, 2011 12:04 PM
Funny that this post is juxtaposed with a picture of Greg MacPherson. I wonder how he might have handled the same situation had he defeated Kroger.
Posted by Allan L. | March 30, 2011 12:40 PM
My biggest question out of this whole deal is still: what exactly does her firm supposedly do? Still can't understand it.
Posted by Snards | March 30, 2011 12:58 PM
Someone edit Cylvia's YouTubes, but use Sgt Schulz "I know nothing!" as a voice-over.
I am kinda surprised, I thought this would've gotten buried by Johnny quicker. He'd better be careful, the public employees unions will use the MacPherson move against him to get him to lighten up.
"what exactly does her firm supposedly do?"
They get green energy grants and she sleeps with the Gov - Any more questions?
Posted by Steve | March 30, 2011 1:34 PM
"They get green energy grants and she sleeps with the Gov - Any more questions?"
It's probably more the reverse, she sleeps with the Gov and then they get the grant.
Posted by Tom | March 30, 2011 2:04 PM
No matter how one reads, reasons this latest information, we should hope that the US DOJ will step in and investigate. But then, that might be a mess too with Holder. But hopefully out of 112,000 employees and a budget of $28,000,000,000 there might be a few that can be honorable.
Posted by Lee | March 30, 2011 2:24 PM
It's like the Associated Student Body at a small town liberal arts college instead of a functioning state government.
Which reduces Portland's government to high school school politics.
Posted by Mister Tee | March 30, 2011 2:30 PM
What did she do wrong? She's not even accused of a crime. Glad there was an investigation. Nothing there. It's just somebody getting a grant. That's what is supposed to happen
Posted by Mike D | March 30, 2011 3:57 PM
Kroger is Kreepy. Kind of reminds me of the ex-governor of New York, Elliot Spitzer. Chop some heads as a whirlwind attorney, grabbing headlines. The ego builds with it, and maybe, Kroger falls too. Hopefully, he doesn't make governor. Can't voters see the used script Kroger is using to take over Oregon? Kind of makes me long for the last Attorney General, "Hardly Matters."
Posted by Bob Clark | March 30, 2011 4:01 PM
what exactly does her firm supposedly do?
PowerPoint slides.
John Kroger gave Kitzhaber's campaign $9000?! That seems a little generous.
Posted by none | March 30, 2011 4:28 PM
Mr Grumpy -
What else does the AG let slide?
You mean like envelopes full of cash from the Mayor of Portland to the chief witness in a investigation of the Mayor's alleged sex with that witness when the witness was underage?
Kroger is too slick by half.
I voted against Mac in that primary - not because of the state employee union issues, but because of the measure 47 / 50 issues - and I regret that vote every day.
Kroger is an awful AG and a terrible l disappointment.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | March 30, 2011 4:39 PM
"What did she do wrong?"
You know that thing about Caesar's wife? Cylvia finished last on the list for grants while her boyfriend is running for governor. Then miraculously she gets a $60K grant.
You don't detect a faint whiff? You can't tell me that lover-boy didn't know Cylvia really, really wanted a grant and made no intercession on her behalf?
At a min, she should disqualify herself from state business considering who she sleeps with. Then again that would imply some sort of morality on her part that may not be there.
Posted by Steve | March 30, 2011 5:19 PM