
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 23, 2011 1:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was Dark star, I see you in the morning. The next post in this blog is Wake up! Get ready for another devastating storm!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What kind of pills did Wu get from campaign contributor?

This report in the O says it was oxycodone -- which would be a pretty major no-no -- whereas the folks at Willamette Week seem to indicate the donor told them it was ibuprofen.

Whatever it was, it wasn't smart pills.

[O]n Election Day 2008, Wu disappeared and his staff couldn't find him. Multiple sources who were involved with Wu's campaign that year said that not even his wife, Michelle, could locate him.
Is this the end for this fellow? This is Oregon -- there's really no telling.

Comments (23)

Or as Wonkette aptly puts it, "Thankfully, this happened in Portland, so even if he was, say, urinating on a dog, it probably fit right in and even won him votes."

Some days we're so proud to live here.

Tenure will probably protect him.

Only a criminal indictment can force him out. The live boy/dead girl axiom doesn't apply to Dems in Oregon.

It is curious that party loyalty protects a do-nothing (in the midst of some kind of breakdown or addiction) rather than let the truth leak out.

"Are you crazy, are you high, or just an ordinary guy? Are you with me Dr. Wu?"

Don't worry, he's releasing all this now, so that the district voters forget before next year's election.

See: The Sam Adams Strategy.

They'll wait until they find the right D to replace him with and then he'll be forced out.

Carla will investigate.

Seems unlikely he'll step down voluntarily. But he's out in the next primary.

They had the right D to replace him a couple of elections ago. Candidate Will Hobbs won over the WW board and offered exactly what was needed in my opinion.
I was doing a cable access show during the campaign and I had him on for a half hour. He was bright, decent and well-informed. His real life experiences as a leader of the legendary Northwest group Wheatfield, plus his work at Intel made him well-rounded. He strongly opposed the Iraq War and a bunch of other issues but it was his basic decency that was so refreshing. He had what we need so of course, he had little chance.
I thought Wu came off as a phony. He had that slick disingenuous Washington politician vibe. I don't know what his problems are now, but I feel at peace with it, having tried to elect a better man.

Seems unlikely he'll step down voluntarily. But he's out in the next primary.

Well, what a relief. 'Til then, since he's D, there will be a deafening silence from most of the media about his fitness for office. Nor will there be serious calls from within his party for his resignation. No stories about the hycrocrisy of his cynical, deceitful staff up until they got scared - for themselves, of course, not the constituents.

After all, what's the rush - he's been crazy for quite a while, apparently.

Maybe that's an asset these days.

Welcom to Oregon - America's liberal backwater.

You all seem to think this guy is worse than Rand Paul Ryan. I don't. We could do better, but many don't do as well. Wu who?

"After all, what's the rush - he's been crazy for quite a while, apparently.

Maybe that's an asset these days."

My thoughts exactly.

What's the rush? (been this way for a while)

Why even bother to replace him? (he's a D)

Mental case, ok, but what's the problem? (keep Portland wierd, retain Wu, Adams, Randy)

Anyone can get ibuprofen OTC. You don't need a donor's favor for that.

CC WROTE...'Til then, since he's D, there will be a deafening silence from most of the media about his fitness for office.

Did word about Wu get out via mental telepathy or was it reported in "most of the media" or??????????????

In some cases information does get out - how can loyal staff leaving be kept quiet?

FYI, am not for R or D but have noted the D's here generally are with deafening silence about anything negative about their D's. In my view we need to get beyond the system of R or D no matter what and all can be forgiven because an R or D. Childish when so much is at stake and there are those who like this division continuing.

I'm a D, and I'm calling for his resignation cc. But I definitely don't qualify as "serious" given my (lack of) stature in the party heirarchy.

You all seem to think this guy is worse than Rand Paul Ryan.

Didn't see that anywhere above, must be between the lines.

I don't. We could do better, but many don't do as well.

As long as there's someone worse, it's all good. That's kinda what I thought. Thanks for the validation.

Astonishingly (The Register-Guard, no less), I stand corrected.

His staff abandoning him at his time of need and the O splasing it all over the A section of the paper seems ugly to me; like Oregon politics as usual. Another example of how Oregonians people with emotional problems and blow them up for some kind of perceived advantage.

Wu was my congressman for a few years and seemed to do his best to address my concerns.

What I like is the howler buried in the Oregonian editorial board discussion of the Wu "charade in district 1".

It is therein opined:
"No one, not even a member of Congress, should be forced from his job because he is struggling with emotional problems."

That's right, OEB. Please continue to echo the crackpot PC mindset that let Nidal Hasan fester openly into a mass murderer in full view of his sympathetic/cowardly superiors. Noone should be forced from their jobs for being a lunatic. Heaven forbid we set such an example for our children. CROOL.
Jobs are a right, and making sanity a job qualification is very iffy, people.

Qadaffi suffers from emotional problems, doesn't he? We should just let the poor man get treatment.

Tell me Wu, is it true?, is true?........
Oh.Wu..It's true, it's true. it's so true!!
Inspiration from Blazing Saddles.

At first I said get rid of him. Then maybe it'd be better to ply him with more booze, drugs, and women to keep him occupied and not doing anything dangerous legislatively. But on second thought he could still vote and that is always a dangerous state for a liberal.

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