
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2011 3:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was View from the street. The next post in this blog is Setting the bar. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Somebody else gets it

You have to plow through the feel-good fluffy part of this post to get to it, but there it is when you scroll down:

"We're painting ourselves into a bizarre corner where we're not able to maintain our streets, we're not able to maintain the buses and the trains that we have out there, and we're focused on cutting ribbons in front of new rail projects," Taylor says.

He's skeptical that streetcars are the urban transit solution they're touted to be. "If the investment is tied in effectively to the rest of the transit system, it can be a very effective investment," he says. "If it's not — and there are cases where it has not been — then it's not."

Comments (10)

Too much of a good idea, is in the end, almost always a bad idea.

Too much of a good idea, is in the end, almost always a bad idea.

Don't you mean: ANY of a bad idea is, in the beginning, middle and end, ALWAYS a bad idea?

I think the Simpson's episode, "Marge versus the Monorail" comes to mind.

I support grade separated light rail to the fullest but streetcars are quite possibly the stupidest thing ever.

I support grade separated light rail to the fullest...

I support it, too.

The farther the separation, the better...

...Seattle sounds close enough to me.

Actually CC, Seattle would still be too close, I'm thinking more along the lines of the South Pole.

I support grade separated light rail to the fullest

How about grade separated Congress-critters, instead? I give Blumie an F. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean we can get rid of him, because if we turn him out of office there, Portlanders will elect him mayor.

Street rail transit, aka Max or the Streetcar versus an automobile = epic fail. Plus a very large number of bicycle riders have had bruising encounters with tracks.

And someone totally gets plannerspeak


George, the video says it all, especially the "Clown Town Planning Department".

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