
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2011 5:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was Somebody else gets it. The next post in this blog is We held the day in the palm of our hands. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Setting the bar

The thing with Apple products is, they simply work.

Comments (5)

Too hilarious!

As the head of a household with an iMac, MacBook Pro, 2 iPhones,
iPad, 2 iPod Touchs and an iPod Classic, I laughed so hard at that it was refreshing. Our relationship with Apple is parallel to how we feel about France. Love and cannot live without the wine and cheese, but utterly rebuff the government subsidies that make it all happen. Apple does "simply work", but at a an infuriatingly captive expense. God Bless and Curse Steve Jobs!

I have staunchly stayed away from Apple products. The fact that modifying them is so limited and difficult (changing out video cards, motherboards, memory, DVD devices, etc) has made me say a pox on them. Plus I really don't understand them, I inherited an old Ipod from my daughter and had a heck of a time making the thing work, and -for me- it was less than intuitive. I've played with Imacs at computer stores, I'm as lost on them as the first time I saw a DOS prompt (yes, I'm THAT old). I don't want an Iphone, I want and need a keyboard with a tactile feel, so my blackberry works just fine for that (and no I don't use my phone to access the web).

I know many folks like Apple products, I just don't understand them and hate the cost (the fact that I don't understand them makes the cost even higher in my humble opinion). I do fine with all the various knockoffs that other companies come out with, I usually understand them and the cost is typically 1/3 to 1/2 the price of Apple products.

Native, Viva le difference!

If Apple ever gets market share to match it's capitalization, I expect we will be in big trouble quality wise. For now though, it's great to have options. I grew to loathe the various high hidden taxes imposed by Windows dependence and much prefer knowing what my computing costs will be up front, and gladly pay more for escaping the virus riddled frequent, inexplicable failure mess that windows became.

But I definitely don't advocate that anyone who prefers paying in time rather than cash switch. If you like to mess with computers, wintel Is your best bet ... Low up front costs, and lots of opportuniTies to tinker along the way. Ain't choice great?

The fact that modifying them is so limited and difficult (changing out video cards, motherboards, memory, DVD devices, etc) has made me say a pox on them.

I changed the hard drive and memory on my Mac last month. It required a torx screwdriver and a flathead screwdriver.

I'm not sure how often I'd need to change those things. If they're broken, I can either replace them or get it done at an Apple store quickly.

I've played with Imacs at computer stores, I'm as lost on them as the first time I saw a DOS prompt (yes, I'm THAT old).

I use the command prompt on my Mac all the time.

I know many folks like Apple products, I just don't understand them and hate the cost.

Macs don't "cost more" than comparable Windows-based PCs. The problem is, most folks try and compare (pardon the pun) apples and oranges. It's like comparing a 2010 Honda Odyssey to a 1998 Kia Sedona.

I usually understand them and the cost is typically 1/3 to 1/2 the price of Apple products.

And those ratios apply to the quality, too. Which is fine.

If you like to mess with computers, wintel Is your best bet ... Low up front costs, and lots of opportuniTies to tinker along the way.

I'd vote for Ubuntu. It's superior to Windows in ust about every way.

Eco, I should have put a /snark delimited on my aside. I think it's factually true though ... Wintel means lots of time suck just trying to keep it patched together. Thank god for all the windows diehards though, else I could not afford Apples. Peole willing to put up with wintel Keep a check on Apple's ability to price its products even higher.

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