
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2010 7:39 AM. The previous post in this blog was An interesting question. The next post in this blog is PC alert. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

The price you pay

Comments (9)

I can only imagine the pleasure as you send in your monies for PDC, URDs, soon-to-be two fire dept bonds . . .

Interesting article here on how Multco is wasting some of that money, with shout-out to the Trib:


Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (no relation, I think, to John) said that taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. I wish we were getting some of that.

Lovin' Aloha.....

"Lovin' Aloha....."

You poor, poor, f*&^k

I don't think "Sherwood" represents any kind of credentials for that haughty attitude.


Given the property taxes and business leaving town, I think Portlanders are the ones getting poor.

Speaking of Multnomah property tax, the value of the structure (our house) was reduced $13.5K this year but the Assessed Value of the property was raised $4K. The value of the land remained unchanged. Why should we not expect the Assessed Value of the property to be reduced when the Total RMV Value has been reduced?

The Assessed Value does not go down when the Real Market Value (RMV) goes down, because Measures 5 and then 47 severed the connection between market value and assessed value. Folks couldn't pay the skyrocketing property taxes the county could levy on the basis of the skyrocketing values (values that have since been shown to be a bubble i.e. FAKE)(they've got a million ways!). We capped the assessed values at 3% increase per year (more-or-less). Of course, 3% compounding can break you after not too many years--see Herman Daly.
So now, the assessed values do not go up when market value goes up, and they do not go down when market value goes down. As this structure continues, it may become clear that "value" (whatever that is) is not connected in any logical or causal way to "tax money needed to run the county et al". The assumption that because one owns property one also has cash flow/income that can be taken via taxes is questionable. In the far distant good ol' days, farmers could "work off" their property taxes by working on the county roads, so even if you couldn't come up with "cash money" you wouldn't lose your land. Not so nowadays for homeowners! Can't pay your property taxes? We'll take your property and sell it!

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