
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2010 9:03 AM. The previous post in this blog was For the record. The next post in this blog is Don't forget to turn the clocks back tonight. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hughes leads Stacey by 831

The latest numbers in the Metro president race show Tom Hughes ahead of Bob Stacey by 831 votes. We now have Hughes unofficially projected to win by 732:

We're told that a recount is not automatic unless the margin of victory is less than 0.2% of votes cast, which in this race should be about 800 votes. But even if the margin is 900 or 1,000 in favor of Hughes, we would assume that Stacey will make a phone call and shake out enough wine money for a paid recount. In any case, it probably won't be over for quite a while.

Comments (4)

I suspect all that wine money is preceded by a minus sign. It's the patent money that hasn't been entirely spent yet.

Washington County reported new numbers today so Tom's lead is now 1137.

Yes, and our projection remains pretty much the same:

The ironic thing is that I voted for Bob Stacey but I don't really even know why.

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