Don't worry -- Mother Nature will handle this
Those who believe that "sustainable growth" is a contradiction in terms may never win the argument with some people, but if they're right, they can rest assured that people's routines are going to change.
Comments (12)
As usual he forgets to tell us that 97% of annual CO2 emissions are from natural, not man made sources.
He also forgets to tell us that the warming oceans (as we recovered from the little ice age) out gases CO2.
He didn't mention that in the ice cores (made famous in Al Gores' sci-fi flick), CO2 increases in response to warming about 800 years later. (Yes Al Gore lied!)
And he forgets to tell us that global warming stopped about 10 years ago.
Finally, people have been screaming that we are running out of resources for over 100 years - never happened.
Posted by jimkarlock | November 28, 2010 4:12 PM
Thanks, I was able to set my watch.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 28, 2010 4:37 PM
A kind of coincidental convergence here -- I just finished reading the following Ruppertarianism ( when I browsered by to see what bojack is up to.
GOD ON THE TABLE - Attempting A Useful Discussion of Mankind’s Spiritual Future, by Michael C. Ruppert, © Copyright 2010, CollapseNet, Inc. - Please Distribute Widely
So maybe the sociopolitical Movement afoot should be renamed 'Sustainable Getting Along.'And it ain't about "carbon dioxide" -- whether or not anyone knows whatever that is or means -- carbon dioxide is somewhat of a distraction and a side-issue very much like hearing a smoke alarm when you're inside a burning building ... you probably shouldn't get too argumentively concerned about if the smoke alarm is too loud or hurting your ears ... better concern yourself with what it is telling you.
Yeah, bottom line, "people's routines are going to change" -- and your choice is:
Do the change yourself, OR
Get the change done to you.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | November 28, 2010 4:49 PM
Jim's comment illustrates why we don't have a sane transportation policy in Portland: Light rail proponents get a free pass by pointing at opponents and chuckling "Look at those Earth-is-Flatters, they don't even believe in global warming." Instead of honestly examining the environmental impacts of building and operating various light rail projects over the course of their useful lives versus the universe of alternatives, we get a touchy-feely Green/Sustainable campaign that equates any light rail project with environmentalism. It doesn't matter where the rail is built, who it serves, how commuting trends are dramatically changing, how much it costs, how many acres of wetlands and miles of waterways are filled in with sediment during its construction, how much diesel its empty trains will burn for decades after it's built, nor does it doesn't matter what changes are in the works in the automobile industry. It's just rail = green/sustainable/good; cars = polluting/Republican/bad. The truth on this issue, as with almost everything in life, is nuanced. As long as the opposition to poorly-conceived light rail can be characterized as Kerlockian, it will be business-as-usual around here.
Posted by Sal | November 28, 2010 4:55 PM
JK ignores the greater issue of rising per capita remand on resources as global poverty declines. This is well presented in an article that his cited link to "grist" offers.
Argue all you wish about CO2. Adjusting life styles to fewer overall resources (think H2O, not CO2)is what must be recognized.
Posted by Don | November 28, 2010 5:20 PM
Well, thanks, Tensk.
Unlike Jack, I have a fine little watch, so I don't need to reset it. You chimed in right on time.
Posted by Max | November 28, 2010 6:41 PM
Rudy Baum can't even persuade his own membership.
American Chemical Society members revolting against their editor for pro AGW views.
And this scientist resigned from another organization because of the leadership's stance.
But on a local level people should consider that Sam Adams, Randy Leonard, Rex Burkholder, Neil McFarlane, Lynn Peterson and every other local supporter of all things TriMet and Metro, to a person, are all members of the AGW movement. That alone has to tell you there's a severe problem with it.
If you need more this is a new place I found.
Posted by Ben | November 28, 2010 8:47 PM
Don This is well presented in an article that his cited link to "grist" offers.
JK: Well, duh, I’ve had that on for ages.
Don Argue all you wish about CO2. Adjusting life styles to fewer overall resources (think H2O, not CO2)is what must be recognized.
JK: This article contains its own debunking:
The granddaddy of demographic doomsters was Bob Malthus, an English clergyman who got famous by warning 200 years ago about population growth.
The grandaddy of “were doomed, were running out of .....” was wrong 200 years ago - his prediction didn’t come true. These people always underestimate man’s ability to invent: Population Bomb didn’t happen. Limits to Growth didn’t happen. Y2k disaster didn’t happen. Coming Ice Age didn’t happen.
They also forget that our mineral resources are increasing at, at least, a cubic function rate:
1. Expanded area of exploration over the Earth’s surface. (2 dimension)
2. Going deeper. (a 3rd dimension.)
3. More efficient use of resources (a 4th dimension)
But worriers always need something to worry about and suck in millions of others to waste their time & resources.
BTW, my favorite Grist article is where Al Gore admits to exaggerating the dangers of warming to panic people into action. (An action which makes him money!)
Posted by jimkarlock | November 28, 2010 9:25 PM
We were wrong about a lot of things 200 years ago, JK. It would be about 50 years until Origin of The Species was published. That shouldn't be taken to signify much about the current state of the art findings in biology, or climate and geology.
Posted by Aaron | November 29, 2010 1:56 AM
"... worriers always need something to worry about and suck in millions of others ...."
Makes sense. If you aren't a worrier you probably don't worry about what the real worriers are spinning their suck-you-in-verbage vortex around, because if you check it and see what 'they' are talking about it might be contagious and you could get sucked in. It must be a mellow life to be unworried about worriers' worries.
... just reclined in the easy chair sipping a soda, calmly curating stacks of facts about town and timelines of history.
So, JK, what brings you around here in this haven of worriers one gets weary of hearing?
Historians seem to most concern themselves with adjusting or revising conceptual abstract overviews covering past eras and peoples, (even before there was massmedia conducting a narrative to synchronize the tribe's thinking ... or should that be revised to say: 'what the town is thinking'). But futurists seem to prefer studying concrete real-life knowledge of experience and so they read the words of the prophets written on subway walls, tenement halls.
Graffiti speaks.

Credit all to
MUST SEE this BLOGspot do come: Linh Dinh Photos
It's the artful work of the author linked from here.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | December 1, 2010 10:58 AM
Crap. The graffiti in the photo got chopped off, rightside. Click on the website link. Linh Dinh has hundreds of conscience-piercing street-scene photos ... uh, real life.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | December 1, 2010 11:02 AM
Hey, Tenskwataw, I am criticizing worry about false things, not real things like the government's screw ups.
I assume you know that the current worldwide recession was caused by the housing bubble which was caused by land use restrictions (mainly smart growth) in conjunction with crappy lending practices at Federally regulated institutions.
Posted by jimkarlock | December 3, 2010 2:40 AM