
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2010 7:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was God rest my Aunt Margaret. The next post in this blog is Here's the skinny. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We'd be friends with the sparrows, and the boy that shoots the arrows

Here's a study that ranks Portland second-to-last among U.S. cities in "strengths of the heart, which include gratitude, compassion, teamwork, hope, modesty, religiousness."

Comments (14)

How can I not help but think that this is the inverse to the ratio of green bike boxes in the area.

David Wilson begs to differ. This city is full of charity to drug addicts, thieves, and cyclists.

My oh my, we didn’t make it in the smart department either. Portland, the city that strives to be the leader in the “Creative Class,” and the leader in green technologies isn’t on the map. How could that be? One good example is the celebration today of the grand opening of the Burnside-Couch couplet. Most of the Portland brain trust will be there to inaugurate another loony boondoggle. Ah yes, but we also have Portland State University, a correspondence school that offers boiler plate degrees in ethnic and gender studies.

That study is pretty hilarious--if only for the fact that Fresno, CA got ranked in the top 10 for "strengths of the heart." You better have a strong heart in Fresno as you're likely to get stabbed in it by a Chicano gangbanger.

The cities that ranked low on the list are all transplant-dominated cities--Boston, New York, San Francisco--places that I'd actually consider visiting or traveling. The cities that ranked high are places where the majority of people are stuck living there from birth--places full of right-wing Christians to boot--Jacksonville, Omaha, etc..

Well of course, we all know anyone who rides a bike is heartless, has no gratitude, compassion, sense of teamwork, hope or modesty. And they're all godless agnostics. Was this study's data based upon blog posts?

"An internet survey" of "head" and "heart" personality traits? Really? That's what you want to base your opprobrium on? Why not just throw darts at a map. This is the kind of "science" that you get in "PARADE" magazine.

I think our chi channels are just blocked. Inset more of those giant acupuncture needles, stat.

When the urge to abandon this beautiful, flawed place that is Portland strikes, now pretty much more than once a month, one city comes to mind repeatedly. Nashville.

temperate climate
more sun
near mountains
southern accents
decent schools
fewer rabid ugly leftists spouting their drivel ("you're a bigot, and I'm a self-righteous jerk")
friendlier cyclists

Maybe I should create a facebook page: "People contemplating leaving Portland for Nashville." I bet there would be quite a few people who would join if they knew about it. Especially if the creepiest mayor of all time gets reelected. Shudder. It's a sad statement about us, when we know that in Nashville, no way in creation could someone like Adams hang on to office after the way he lied to voters.

This surprises me, given the mean-spiritedness that has infiltrated Portland in the last 15 years. What did they base this on, the plethora of homeless shelters we have?

Portlanders don't need -real- compassion - we have city hall to legislate that for us with our tax dollars.
As fake as everything else is in this town now.

gaye harris:When the urge to abandon this beautiful, flawed place that is Portland strikes, now pretty much more than once a month, one city comes to mind repeatedly. Nashville. .

Gratitude for years of having a good city to live in, but not for what it has turned into may be a reason we ended up low on the totem pole. Does teamwork mean we have to be on track with the program of the insiders? As long as this agenda continues and only insiders are placed to continue it, there is little hope. Who knows? Perhaps there is more hope than justified, that no matter what, all will turn out well.

So sad, that so many in what once was a good place to live may be thinking of abandoning our homes. Would be interesting to do a survey (one with integrity, not predetermined outcome) as to how many people have this thought in their minds.

I believe that it may be the case that in order to survive psychologically what is going on in Portland, that thought of being able to leave is in the back of many minds, that there is a way out someday, and if not for that thought, we would not be able to handle the continued agenda, corruption and abuse.

I consider the agenda abusive and more so to those who are watchdogs. I find it increasingly difficult to live in a community that is hypocritical, and a community that prefers not to look at the hypocrisy.
To make pronouncements that we are green and sustainable while moving towards the direction of destroying West Hayden Island, and Bull Run Water System makes ones head swirl. Why didn’t we keep the SoWhat as a greenway along the riverfront for the citizens? How sustainable is it to use funds for pet projects and let the basics go such as public safety, police budget problems and infrastructure problems? What are we to think? Seems like keeping Sam Adams and his council in place is what keeps the agenda going.

I am ashamed of leadership in our city to let this abuse go on. . . or to pretend that it doesn’t exist. What a wonderful example for the youth in our city to see the adults just lay back letting this continue. What do the students think when their schools are closing or on a shoestring, while we will spend billions on projects not needed now? There can be no respect here not just for the officials but for the adults of our community who need to act as adults.

On the way to Nashville: go. Don't look back.

"Compassion, gratitude, modesty" is code talk for religious kookiness -- hey, where was that anti-evolution, pro-kook-creation staged trial against Science held, in 1925, was that in Nashville? -- oh, no, wait, it was Nowhere, Tennessee, (sorry, I hardly can tell the differences among the States of Stoppedclock) -- and "religiousness" is no code at all, only a vocabulary lacking 'religiosity.'

I'm glad Portland falls short of god-goofy group. They know who they are. They know where their marrying cousins are and evolution stopped. Go there.

Agree with you completely clinamen - just wanted to add that while the majority are technically 'adults' - the ruling elite and their supporters act and aspire to be nothing but children, from the raw naivete all the way to the music and art.

Tenskatawa, your arguments are ludicrous.
Who cares what happened in 1925???? What is the matter with the leftist brain, that it continues to spin these kinds of irrelevant judgments?

Nashville has not one, but TWO public high schools ranked in the top one hundred in the country. All of Oregon does not have a single top-ranked school.

Tenessee was the FIRST state to get a race-to-the-top grant from the feds; Oregon's application was ranked seventh worst amongst all the states, and Oregon gave up on even TRYING to amend it because, oooohhh, the application had to address how Oregon would go about evaluating teachers. Addressing that topic in Oregon, is the equivalent of raising the subject of necrophilia.

So tired of the left. So, so tired.

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