
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2010 4:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was Keep video poker "green". The next post in this blog is Matinee only. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

They can't even beg for money properly

But don't worry -- they'll spend it wisely.

Comments (15)

Buried lead: "Leonard Vacationing in Scotland."

When you've got three government pensions coming, you can afford to play St. Andrew's.

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Sounds to me like they need to hire another staffer to check for that. Then tweet about it...

Vote No.

The cost per thousand = $0.00

Hey, he's Randy, he can do damn well what he wants.

Everybody just keep moving along and paying your prop taxes until we need you next election.

They'll put a calculator on the city's website? How many people a) go to the city's website in the first place; b) would think to go to the city's website to look up information regarding a ballot initiative; c) would actually use the calculator? But that would work, right? Sure, Sam. Whatever.

It just seems to me that all the criticism is not constructive and might be destructive; carping for the sake of carping.

Frank Rich's column today in the NYTimes sums it up fairly well.
(maybe registration req'd)

So far neither party has offered a comprehensive antidote to our economic pain. The Democrats have fallen short, and the cynics leading the G.O.P. haven’t so much as tried. We shouldn’t be surprised that this year even a state as seemingly well-mannered as Connecticut has produced a senatorial candidate best known for marching into a wrestling ring to gratuitously kick a man in the groin.

Kicking doesn't help. Nothing is going anywhere until the individual(s) drives it there.

Yeah, the politico class are incompetents and larcenous hearts. You got anything better in you? If yes, then bring it. If no, then find it.

That is the most cogent thought yet articulated by Tenksey in this forum.

I am scared to admit I agree with him.

p.s. Jack, please run for City Council or Multnomah County D.A.! I'll write you a check for $1,000 and host a fundraiser coffee. It would be worth it just to watch Schrunk or Randy sweat.

"You got anything better in you?"

Sure, if we can't vote them out, then deny every bond and tax mesaure putup for a vote.

Since they seem to have no clue what spending is important (classrooms, potholes, cheap water rates) and what isn't (condos, stadia, benefits, bike lanes), then our only choice is to cut off the gravy train until they show some restraint wrt their pet projects.

The real issue is the purpose of the bond measure, the omission of the cost estimate is simply an indication of Randy's way of doing business.

The purchase of equipment should be included in the regular Fire Bureau budget, not funded with long term debt. One can only wonder what pet projects of Randy were funded in the regular budget in lieu of the equipment included in the bond measure. It worked for Randy in the Water Bureau, why not try it in the Fire Bureau.

Perhaps it is time to look at the type of equipment needed by the Fire Bureau when more than 90 per cent of their calls are for medical assistance. Do we need to buy more huge fire rigs to respond to medical calls, or could that purpose be better served with well equipped SUV's? Do we really need two new fire boats and a station for them for the limited number of emergencies in the Willamette River?

"... they seem to have no clue"

And OBVIOUSLY neither do you, Steve.

Frank Rich: "... the cynics leading the G.O.P. haven’t so much as tried -- should say 'haven't so little as tried.' ... Steve.

"And OBVIOUSLY neither do you, Steve."

Who said they refers to Repubs? I know Repubs blow money in their own special way.

"Who said they refers to Repubs?"

Should've said they refers to only Dems or Repubs? I meant a high percentage of pols.

Mister Tee, I'll join you and add $5,000. I figure having Jack on board would more than return to me my $5,000. This, to me, would be a real voter-owned election.

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