
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2010 4:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was They can't even beg for money properly. The next post in this blog is More magic moments from Qwest. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Matinee only

Well, that was quick. Nobody picked the night games this week in our charity pro football underdog game, and so the standings are complete while there's still light out on Sunday. St. Louis, Seattle, and Miami prevailed.

Here are our standings:

Gary 26.5
Broadway Joe 25.5
genop 25.5
Andy 22.5
Biggest Cubs Loser 21.5
pdxmick 20
Gordon 18.5
Flowers by Dorcas Husband 18
Larry Legend 17.5
john dull 16.5
Michael K. 13.5
Sattelihu 13.5
Annie 13
Flowers by Dorcas 13
Eric 12.5
Paul 12
AKevin 11.5
Drewbob 11.5
Hank 11.5
Matt 11.5
PJB 11.5
Nick 9.5
Anthony 8.5
Bob 8.5
Doug 6.5
Bad Brad 6
Ricardo 6
Jim 4
Umpire 2.5
Conrad 0
genop's gal 0
Mike G. 0

Comments (7)

This is increasingly depressing.

Still 14 weeks to go. One 13.5 Cleveland and you're right back in it.

"This is increasingly depressing."... Not for Gary's charity!

'Still 14 weeks to go. One 13.5 Cleveland and you're right back in it.' Does 14 weeks to go mean it goes all the way thru the playoffs to the superbowl??

I should post my pick, then everyone should NOT pick it - after the first week, every pick has not just lost, but for the most part been blown out by the favorites!

Hey, PJB ... don't bring me down! I was just trying to feel good about being at 11.5. What fun would it be to lead the underdog pool anyway? It's all about the comeback.

The game goes all the way through the playoffs, but not Super Bowl weekend, when there's only one game.

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