
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 6, 2010 9:36 PM. The previous post in this blog was A playoff no-hitter. The next post in this blog is God bless America. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Now Mayor Creepy thinks he's running the county

The mayor of Portland is completely off his rocker. After his utterly preposterous declaration last spring that he had found $20 million in "cost savings" for sewer projects that he was then free to burn on bicycle paths, now he's finding "cost savings" in the Sellwood Bridge replacement project -- a project that's still in the planning stages and will doubtlessly run into overrun after overrun as it unfolds. And those mysterious "cost savings" are going to pay for the hallucinogenic light rail train to Milwaukie.

Then he's in the news telling the Multnomah County D.A. how to do his job. The county shouldn't stop prosecuting small crimes, says the mayor, because there are more magic "cost savings" that would pay for such prosecutions despite impending overall budget cuts.

Remember, the mayor is the guy who can't even keep current on his own mortgage. Somebody needs to adjust his medication.

Maybe when Obama comes to town, the mayor can tell him about the "cost savings" that the White House is missing out on.

The more Creepy talks, the less people are listening. We can only hope that the same thing happens when he says, "Re-elect me."

Comments (20)

Hey Jack, saw you on TV tonight, in the Channel 8 spot regarding the Dudley house-burning tax deduction. Lookin good!

Oh, and I saw da Mayor a couple of times out and about downtown yesterday. He hit the food carts at 4th and Hall for lunch- there was a bit of a titter in the crowd when he was recognized...

I have an old TV I'll sell him for $700. Okay, I'll settle for $500.

Cost savings! It's like $200 for free!

Perhaps its time for a Creepy Count-down clock?? Something to brighten the Winter months.

I have an old TV I'll sell him for $700. Okay, I'll settle for $500.

So now he can buy the TV, and lend another $200 cash to a teenager who needs mentoring.

Portland voters remind me, sometimes, of Kentucky voters (except switch the parties).

Kentucky voted for one of their current Senators, despite knowing that he has some serious mental issues. (Really.) And they are now apparently going to vote in his successor (Rand Paul) who is a truly bizarre creature... the type of guy so pissed at the "establishment" that he created his own ophthalmology accrediting organization when he got mad at the one that, you know, every other ophthalmologist uses.

No fan of Adams, but he is right about the river patrol. We have two of these in Portland - one operated by the PPB, and the other by the Sheriff. Maybe they should get rid of one of these. That's the savings he is talking about - the County could drop the river patrol, and use that money instead for the DA to prosecute minor crimes.

So when are these "cost savings" going to translate to lower rates or taxes?

Sam's learned hsi main lesson very well - If you lie, lie big.

I'd love to see the Oregonian's "pants on fire" squad tally up all the "cost savings" Sam the Scam has invoked since he had to skip Obama's inauguration.

I had to take my car into the shop this week. Quotes were as high as $700. We finally convinced the shop that we didn't want the deluxe, gold-plated service, we just wanted them to replace the single part that was broken. Final cost, $100. According to Sam, I now have $600 to put toward those new dining room chairs I've been wanting. Woo-hoo! Free money!

Sam's policies have been the source of many civics and budgeting discussions I've had with my teens. I suppose I ought to be grateful.

With the $575 billion in Medicare savings used to fund Obamacare, I don't think the President needs any advice from your Mayor.

How does the notion of "cost savings" and Creepy appear in the same story?

This means the new Multnomah county auto registration tax created for the Sellwood Bridge replacement is to help pay for Milwaukie Light Rail.

Gee how shocking.

It's just like Urban Renewal-Tax Increment Financing where they take millions from schools, public safety and other basic services causing backfilling by other or new taxes fees to replace the money taken.

Yet unscrupulous officials claim Urban Renewal funded projects like many prior light rail lines didn't require new taxes. They actually brag about it while never acknowledging the backfilling of basic services budgets.

Here is how it works and why the public uprising is shutting down it's dishonest use.


Buried in the report is the demure sentence, "The report also assumes that vehicle access to the former Staff Jennings boat store at the base of the Sellwood Bridge will no longer be necessary."
That translates to: "We're subtracting the cost to build vehicle access to that parcel of waterfront commercial land, but we're adding the cost to condemn the land and building and get it off the tax rolls."

Adams acknowledged feeling pinched financially, as the city of Portland is being pressed to nearly double its $30 million contribution to $55 million to help fill the shortfall for a proposed light-rail line to Milwaukie.

"I need to get both projects done," he said.

Says who?
Who is pressing the City of Portland to now double their contribution to light rail?

Sam, does your staying in office depend on getting that money for the light rail?
The pressure and feeling pinched must really be on, why don't you save yourself some dignity if left, and resign rather than hanging on as a puppet?

This is crazy making. Earlier this week we are told we do not have enough money for public safety. What happened to the budget for gang enforcement? or has that money gone too, towards building another troubling light rail?

What happened when Earl came to town to fix this impasse between Cogan and Sam? These guys are in a more difficult position when they are not able to play with our money like they are used to. More eyes on their doings when the economy is down.



Keep Portland Bankrupt

Petition:This means the new Multnomah county auto registration tax created for the Sellwood Bridge replacement is to help pay for Milwaukie Light Rail.

Sounds like financial gymnastics by our non trusting officials.

Re: "The more Creepy talks, the less people are listening. We can only hope that the same thing happens when he says, 'Re-elect me.'"

Portland cannot boast a discriminating electorate.

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