
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2010 4:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was The final countdown. The next post in this blog is Timin' is the thing, it's true . Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Move over, Saltzman

The Scone's also running for mayor. And this time he's the outsider, using public money. Pass the barf bag.

Comments (14)

There isn't a barf bag big enough....

I love all the fresh faces we get running for office around here!

What the #### is wrong with this town?

If you check Randy's Calendar, you'll see he's already kissed the Godfather's ring.

From WW link:
. . He raised a city-record $1 million in his unsuccessful 2004 mayoral bid—only to end up losing badly to Tom Potter, who limited his donors to $25 contributions in the primary and $100 in the general election. . .

That alone should have told Francesconi that he was not wanted as Mayor of our City.

So now he is for public financing.
Then: When he was running for mayor and council was discussing the public financing program in April 2004, the O’s account of that council session quoted Francesconi as saying, “Taking public money to fund politicians at a time we can’t fund police doesn’t make sense to me.”

In my opinion, we simply cannot afford these kind of people as elected officials anymore. The times are changing and we need a change, a real change, not just in words.
Retreads need not apply. Francesconi needs to look elsewhere for a job.

Of course you're right, but it isn't about anything more than ego with these guys. They have no expectation of doing more than what serves their own purposes, and four untouchable years to do it. Look at Leoanrd, Saltzman, Adams, etc. They could care less about the community, only what fills their pockets or ego. Get new blood... and these guys ain't it folks.

The thing no one mentions when they talk about Francesconi's million dollar campaign, is that both Sam Adams and Nick Fish raised $850,000 a piece for their race (for a lower office) during the same election. Sam always spun his financial situation saying he only had a few thousand in the bank, etc.

Francesconi didn't spin -- mostly because I think he's actually a stand up kind of guy. He was completely tone death on what was happening in the election, and probably isn't that good of a politician, but I think it's because he's actually an honest person -- something that's a bit of a rarity in Portland politics these days.

mostly because I think he's actually a stand up kind of guy

Except for the Tom Moyer alleged election fraud, of course.

Old Mike Schrunk doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry to try that one.

And representing Warner Pacific in their secret attempt to "purchase" part of Mt Tabor Park, just a couple months after leaving office as commissioner of Parks.

No conflict there.

Highly unlikely there was any deal prior to him leaving office.

The BDS checklist for condemnation and bypassing any of the required land use reviews was nearly complete. This would have resolved the concerns over that pesky public scrutiny.

At the proposed sale price of $2 Million just who would benefit when a replacement property alone by their own analysis would be $7-8 million. Add the tens of millions to replace the built assets and you see just who benefits. Their own analysis said that no better location could be found if they did not already own it.

This was such a blatant plunder of the public treasury, even the assessor was involved when they changed the valuation from $396,000 to $18,000 in October, the month before the documents indicated the transfer was due to close. Just another coincidence.

This little fiasco led him to "Higher Ed" down in Salem to no doubt research ways for the private interest to take over the built capital investments the public has made in our university system.

You may have read about the new ingenious ways (public bonds)that are proposed to further subsidize that transfer of wealth from true public ownership.

UO has even hired a Miller Nash attorney to scrutinize public document requests to "assist" the public in vetting their relevance, and whether they are proprietary (ie within the realm of attorney / client privilege) or truly deserving of disclosure. Can't wait to see how this plays.

Tom Moyer does seem scandalous, but I'm not sure how that rubs off on Francesconi. I haven't heard anyone claim he committed election fraud -- just that he was tone death to his constituency and that he raised too much money. Having a zealous supporter go overboard and try to give you too much money isn't your fault -- that is unless you ask him to, but I don't think anyone has suggested that at all.

I don't know about the other issue, so won't comment on that. I'm pretty suspicious of lawyers in general, though, although there are a couple good ones out there like Jack who are fighting the good fight.

I'm not sure how that rubs off on

Oh, sure. When he got an oversized check purportedly from Moyer's secretary, he assumed it was really her money and not Moyer's. He was simply shocked -- shocked! -- when the indictment came down.

A check that he solicited from his free office in Steve Janik's office.

Really -- clean as a whistle.

The Parks Bureau, its Directors and Commissioners-in-Charge, like Francesconi are scandalous. The Mt. Tabor Park almost give-away and the recent post about the Johns Landing Park's Bureau and BDS's involvement as noted in Jack's post titled "Oregon League of Devaluation Voters" concerning Bob Stacey points out the unethical valuations by our city bureaus. I'm sure our city attorney is soon to investigate and charge, even though years have passed.

Well, they won't. So the voters need to help them out in cleaning up this city.

I've heard several stories that The Scone was in the habit of gently reminding constituent supplicants where they stood on his list of donors.

"I've heard several stories that The Scone was in the habit of gently reminding constituent supplicants where they stood on his list of donors."

Think back on where those stories came from -- Randy Leonard and Vera Katz. See http://wweek.com/story.php?story=4939

After the Bob Ball controversy, you tell me who you believe.

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