
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 19, 2010 10:09 PM. The previous post in this blog was Vote yes on a 'dog. The next post in this blog is Endorsement time, cont'd: the state measures. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Drawing another blank

Does this mean he was too buzzed to show up?

Comments (11)

"Adams says he's a busy "global-economy" mayor who travels around the world, pitching Portland as an expert on sustainability and planning issues."

The most unintentionally hilarious sentence of the year, and likely to hold the record.

Unscheduled "appointments" can really cause havoc among staff.

"Bhatia says many of the sources used to write article would not go on-record for fear of retribution from the mayor."

Now that's shocking. He a vindicitve jerk too?

Imagine what would be said by many if they felt free and safe to speak.

Perhaps after he's gone?

Fear of retribution from a mayor who has siezed the reins of too many departments is precisely why I believe 2 recalls failed. Few wanted to sign a petition that would make their identity and contact information publicly available.

"Perhaps after he's gone?", that's like the Oregonian treatment of Neil. They know there's smoke but won't report the fire until it's too late to help our city and state. People need to speak up and help. I applaud Bragdon for doing his part.

This is just one example of why we are in the fix we are in, both city wise, the state, and the nation. Speak up.

A "global economy" mayor means you have no idea how to make the city vibrant without pushing and shoving your chubby limbs into close range of the mega-corporate tit.

Global economy, yeah I guess so, most sex toys are manufactured in China.

Bragdon needs to be commended for putting his name to his comments. Where are the others who should be speaking out with their first hand knowledge.

When I read the story, my first thought was "he must have been hungover." Or, still drunk.

Got to go with umpire's call on this one. Sounds like the real story behind the story.

Portland Top 50 Manufacturing Companies:

4. Esco Corporation
9. Precision Castparts (manufacturing is outside Portland)
10. Pope and Talbot (defunct)
14. Oregon Steel Mills
20. Northwest Pipe
21. Gunderson (see also #5)
23. Adidas America (no manufacturing in Oregon)
23. Siltronic
29. Leatherman
30. Columbia Steel Casting
31. Sulzer Pumps
34. Myers Container
36. Rejuvenation
37. Hampton Affiliates (manufacturing outside of Portland)
45. Columbia Forest Products

How many of these Portland based companies is Sam Adams selling to the world? I see that none of these companies are "green" companies - a lot of steel companies, a lot of lumber companies, a railroad freight car builder, and these are all companies that are generally B2B with Adidas and Leatherman being the exceptions to that.

(Any company not listed is a company located in the Portland metro area but outside the city of Portland, or in other areas of the Northwest. For example, #1 is Intel, #2 is Nike, #3 is Monaco Coach, #6 is Roseburg Forest Products...)

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