
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 29, 2010 4:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was Couplet party!. The next post in this blog is Putting your road on a diet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trust, but vilify

Boy, these are ugly times politically. Every campaign, every issue, has to involve demonizing someone. Here in Oregon, the Democratic Party has found someone to fit that bill, and they aren't going to let go. "So far, no Republican candidate has officially distanced himself or herself from Woods." Come on, Nigel. Sometimes guilt by association is so bogus that it doesn't warrant a response.

Comments (11)

I know former Governor Barbra Roberts. I even worked for her gubernatorial campaign. Many years later I went to a small intimate charity fund raiser dinner hosted by Roberts and Terry Bean. I have to say there I found the true nature of Roberts and noticed she was as stupid as a stick and was really disappointed that I ever had an association with her.

Yup I gotta go with John Benton on this one. Been there and seen it.

So what does that make Barbara Roberts, Vera Katz and Norma Paulus all together?

So what does that make Barbara Roberts, Vera Katz and Norma Paulus all together?

Okay, I'll bite...is this a misogynist joke?

A wind tunnel? I dunno. Who am I? I just pay taxes here.

Larry, Moe and Curly?

Funny how a one term "Do Nothing" Governor has come out of the woods for partisan nonsense like this.
Given her actual record of nothing to show for four years in office, I think Roberts would have the basic sense to keep out of the public eye.

"So what does that make Barbara Roberts, Vera Katz and Norma Paulus all together?"

Smarter than Ben?

So what does that make Barbara Roberts, Vera Katz and Norma Paulus all together?

The inspiration for Jules Bailey, Jefferson Smith, and Ben Cannon.

"Sometimes guilt by association is so bogus that it doesn't warrant a response."

Au contraire, on BlueOregon it merits several columns.

So let me get this straight - a journalist is slamming on someone for exercising their first amendment rights to say something unbelievably stupid?

Aren't journalists supposed to be unabashed defenders of the first amendment? I guess that's only when people say stuff you agree with?

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