
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 17, 2010 7:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Curling up with a good book. The next post in this blog is Portland bonds for SoWhat District: 5.574% for a 12-year loan. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Top prize in underdog pool: $475 to your favorite charity

We've got 30 paid entrants in our second annual charity pro football underdog pool, which means that we have a $600 pool to donate to charity at the end of the NFL playoffs. And lo and behold, a reader out there, inspired by the story of last year's third place winner, Geno P.'s Mom, has pledged another $250 into the pot. And so even if no one else joins the pool, we've got $850 to play for.

Assuming that no additional entries show up, here's how the prizes will go:

First prize - $475 to player's favorite charity
Second prize - $155 to player's favorite charity
Third prize - $100 to player's favorite charity
Fourth prize - $70 to player's favorite charity
Fifth prize - $50 to player's favorite charity
There's still time to join in and play. With 19 weeks to go, no one's got too great a head start on you; 21 of our players still have 0 points. Just e-mail me here and I'll send you the address to which you should mail your entry fee. The official rules are here.

Comments (4)

And lo and behold, a reader out there, inspired by the story of last year's third place winner, Geno P.'s Mom, has pledged another $250 into the pot.

Cool beans, man!

I missed that post before. "Just wow." is right. Makes me feel even better about playing. Where else can you half-heartedly talk smack in a kind-of-competition for charity?


Besides, it will be that more impressive when I am victorious over 50 instead of 30.

Thanks to the anonymous donor! Hoping I can put it towards my charity choice, but I'm okay if it's yours.

"Half-heartedly talk smack." Love it. There's something perfectly liberal-west-coast about it. (I resemble that remark.)

Here's my halfhearted smack talk of the week:

I plan on picking more correct winners than you guys, and I hope I'm able to! Ooooh, snap!

Well some of us were not born in the laid back world.... and let me assure you, I plan to win week and and week out..... just pray you can keep up

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