
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 23, 2010 5:58 PM. The previous post in this blog was A view from outer space. The next post in this blog is Kroger ready to assassinate Kitzhaber?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

The first to be hurt for a mistake

Here's a sad story involving the WES train down in Tualatin. And of course, "[f]ewer than 15 people were on the train, he said."

Comments (10)

Yes but, at 4 p.m. the massive crush of WES riders had yet to begin.

But whats with all the new in-city Life Flight activity? Do they pay a hefty royalty to the calling EMS agency?

Wow. 15 passengers at around 4 PM. What a total success story WES is.

No -- fewer than 15.

Does the victim count? After all, he was carried, if briefly. He probably didn't pay, but, then, who does?

Sorry about the poor fellow who got hit.

But don't worry about the WES; if it doesn't work out and/or needs change, they can move the line to better serve areas where it's needed.

Oh. Whoops.

The Fishwrapper has now pulled the "...fewer than 15 people on the train..." report.

God bless the Fishwrapper...if the news doesn't fit the editorial stance, alter the news.

It's still there when I look:

And once again the backup bus comes out of the barn to pick up where WES fails.

Why didn't we just start and end with the bus, and save 100+ million dollars?

Why didn't we just start and end with the bus, and save 100+ million dollars?

Because the bus doesn't attract the type of choice riders that TriMet is known to attract to Portland's award-winning transit system.

Because TriMet is a leader in transit-oriented development that is centered around light rail stations.

Because WES is one of the nation's first "suburb-to-suburb" commuter rail systems and a model for other cities to follow.

Because WES Works!

Because WES is an example of sustainable transportation.

Because WES created X number of jobs during its construction, and continues to provide 15 jobs to support the operation of the service.

Because WES directly or indirectly created X number dollars in investment in our region.

I'm sure there's some other media spin reasons that Mary Fetsch can come up with herself. She gets paid plenty to defend the TriMet rail system.

Didn't some community get up in arms to force WES to have a quieter bell?

Wasn't the guy wearing headphones?

Plenty of blame to go around.

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