
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 23, 2010 6:11 PM. The previous post in this blog was The first to be hurt for a mistake. The next post in this blog is Closure. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Kroger ready to assassinate Kitzhaber?

Maybe the showdown isn't four years from now, after all. Maybe it's now.

Comments (14)

If this thing has legs, he just got rid of perhaps the stronger incumbent he'd face in 2014.

Maybe the AG wants to run against Dudley. Maybe now, maybe four years from now with Dud as an incumbent.

Or maybe this is another Sam Adams "investigation."

If you squint real hard you can smell Neil.

Jack, I think it will be hard for Kroger, with the Feds involved in the investigation, to have another "Sam Adams 'investigation'". There is too much graft in Oregon's Energy Programs. When you have taxpayers paying close to 80% of installing solar panels on houses and businesses with all the tax subsidies, then something is very fishy. Here's the cost breakdown for a 3.5KW solar panel array:

Installed Cost $18,375
Energy Trust Tax Refund $6,125
Federal Tax Credit $3,675
State Tax Credit(4 years) $6,000

Net Cost to Homeowner/Business $2,575

Most of us are tired to paying for homeowners and businesses benefiting at this grossly high level of tax subsidies. Plus, we are tired of giving over $260 Million of subsidies to the wind industry when we have a $2.3 Billion dollar state deficit. And if you add in the operating costs of Oregon's Energy Department and all the other energy tax subsidies it is approaching the Billion Dollar number. This alone would go a long way in giving either gub candidate a budget answer.

But the sticky issue in all of this is the "conflict of interest" and contract awarding procedures (or lack of) in the Energy Department. Kitzhaber has a problem.

I think it will be hard for Kroger, with the Feds involved in the investigation, to have another "Sam Adams 'investigation'".

The AG and the interim U.S. attorney are close personal friends. Whatever they are doing here is no doubt closely coordinated.

I suppose no one is going to give Kroger the benefit of the doubt by allowing the possibility that he is just doing his job.

Hah! Good one, Gil. If the gene pool of our small state were not so inbred and Kroger not so blatantly striving for higher office, I could maybe set my cynicism aside like you.

I suppose no one is going to give Kroger the benefit of the doubt by allowing the possibility that he is just doing his job.

Im not convinced he knows what that is.

Kitzhaber confirmed he was once on the board of 3EStrategies. When asked if he is still on the board, he said, "I'm not sure if I am or not." A Kitzhaber campaign spokeswoman later said he is no longer on the board.


Wait, I can really get an $18k solar system installed for $2k??!

PJB: Yes. Talk to your neighborhood association, such as Northeast Coalition of Neighbors.

But, hurry. The gravy train is leaving the station.

What, a Dem bringing charges against a Dem?

In Oregon?

Don't make me laugh.

If Kroger would just concentrate on being AG, his name would go down in history without his needing to become Governor. I hope he is listening those who are attempting to bring it to his attention that the Oregon State Bar targets whistle blowers for abuse with twisted disciplinary action and fishing expeditions while ignoring major breaches of fidicuiary duty by "insiders", some of whom rise to high positions in that very (AG's)office. OSB is a confidence/reputation game of the first order. Investigating and stopping that would be a huge service to the state.

Cynthia - seriously you think letting foxes guard the hen house is going to work? There should be independent review boards for every licensed professional group in OR. It's not just the lawyers who sweep their own crap under the rug........

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