Problem solved
When confronted with a loaf of New Seasons ciabatta bread with a big hole in the middle, here's exactly what you do: Fill the cavity with Costco chicken salad.

Serve with Casal Garcia rosé. Divine.
When confronted with a loaf of New Seasons ciabatta bread with a big hole in the middle, here's exactly what you do: Fill the cavity with Costco chicken salad.
Serve with Casal Garcia rosé. Divine.
Comments (6)
Excellent...tomorrow night's football snack. Maybe a Chardonnay.
Posted by Old Shep | August 28, 2010 8:49 PM
Superb! Next time you go to buy a loaf of ciabatta at New Seasons, though, pay with that fiver punched full of holes as you got in change back from paying a parking ticket with cash in person downtown. ;-)
Posted by Mojo | August 29, 2010 12:08 PM
I was thinking about your bread and recalled that a friend who owned an artisan bakery told me that he weighed his dough before going it went into the proofing oven -- so I imagine that this is true with the pictured loaf as well. . . . you paid the same price and got the same amount of bread as everyone else -- you just got to enjoy the lovely variety and texture that artisan breads provide. Buon appetitto!
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | August 30, 2010 12:40 AM
Would you have said the same thing if the middle was raw? It wasn't right.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 30, 2010 12:42 AM wasn't right.
but your fix looks like yum.
Posted by rainyportland | August 30, 2010 2:17 AM
"Would you have said the same thing if the middle was raw? It wasn't right."
Of course not -- raw dough, ugh. I'm just a bread freak -- I crave good bread the way women crave chocolate.
As long as that giant air bubble is just a random thing rather than a frequent occurrence, I'd just be grateful for having the means and the access to great bread. As someone said, if you want a standardized product, you can buy mass-produced machine-made bread nearly everywhere, and it won't ever have those air bubbles. Dave's Killer Bread is widely available and quite good.
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | August 30, 2010 9:56 AM