
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 14, 2010 8:15 AM. The previous post in this blog was Tri-Met strategy: Put the memorial plaque up in advance. The next post in this blog is Con man money not going to Welches. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who's got last word on fire bureau decor? Take a guess.

We blogged a while back about the City of Portland's plan to hire a contractor to decorate two separate lobbies at fire bureau headquarters with displays from collections of the bureau's memorabilia and artifacts. One of the parties who are thinking about bidding the job asked a question the other day that prompted a telling exchange:

Question: It can be very difficult working with a committee to make a final decision. Who will ultimately make the final decision regarding design?

Answer: See Part 1, Section A 3. If a decision cannot be reached by the committee, then PF&R Senior Management will make the final decision.

And we all know who that is. Neon rose, anybody?

Comments (7)

How about a fresh coat of paint and let it go at that?

Anyone see that old Simpsons episode where the car company boss asks Homer to design his perfect car, and won't let the engineers refuse any of his ridiculous ideas?

That's how I imagine Randy designing a room.

Randy's taste is so refined.

I'd say he'll blow-up that portrait that he got as a "gift" in his office. You know the one he spent $750 worth of campaign funds on?


Of course, that assumes they'd have a room big enough to contain his head in two dimensions only.

Soooo this made it over the "fund essential services only" hurdle when they pretended to worry about the decline in tax receipts?

If the Fireman wants it, it IS essential.

At the same time, Randy's Bureau of Development Services is still laying people off right and left. Want a permit? They've laid off several of the people who process them, so you're going to have to wait a week to get it. And to get an inspection? You'll have to wait a few more days after that.

And Willy Week is running a story that the Fireman wants to ask Portland voters in November to approve $72 million for fire and emergency response vehicles, a fire station and emergency response center, and a public safety emergency radio system.

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