
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 23, 2010 4:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was TurboTax ate my Schedule SE. The next post in this blog is A girlfriend for the Welches con man. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beaverton "urban renewal" insanity intensifies

Not only has Beaverton got Don "The Don" Mazziotti running its "urban renewal" slush fund, but now they've brought on John Fregonese, formerly a Metro drone, to draw up the "civic plan." Four planners from out of town were rejected, but hey, keep it in the family. "Clusters," yada yada.

Oh, and get this: They want to turn Beaverton-Hillsdale and Canyon into a traffic "couplet"! Too, too funny. The aerial tram to Sylvan is just around the corner.

Comments (5)

When I hear "cluster" I think of George Carlin's 7 Dirty Words that grew to 400, including "Mongolian cluster f-ck." And, yes, that perfectly describes our region's economic development strategy: Go by clean-tech!

I would settle for a Canyon Road bus that runs after 6 on weekends.

Fregonese is advocating that the aerial tram will go from downtown Beaverton(where ever that is-they're working on identifying that) to St. Vincent. St. Vincent will generate 12,453 biotech jobs. The tram is needed because 217 will be kept the same, and gridlock is the formula for every green goal.

I hope you are kidding about Canyon - BH Hwy couplet.... they are too many blocks apart and besides they don't have control for the most part until those roads cross 217 and are renamed TV-Hwy and Farmingon Rd. The un-grid design with cul-de-sac feeders that is the Beavertron proper already has traffic fouled up beyond belief... and my commute is hosed enough..

I don't know, sounds like they need to build some streetcars and extend that WES to all the major roads. I already avoid Beaverton like the plague so whatever...

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