
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2010 8:11 PM. The previous post in this blog was Careless driving that kills people -- not a crime?. The next post in this blog is Duck prez: "You borrow $800 million, hand it over to us, then go away". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Getting to yes

It appears that if the Portland City Council refers "voter-owed elections" (taxpayer finance of local political campaigns) to the voters this November as promised, a "yes" vote will continue the program, under modified rules, and a "no" vote will allow the existing system to expire. The city auditor (Fireman Randy's new BFF) is proposing that a "sunset" clause be added to the existing system, which would apparently set up that yes/no dynamic.

Comments (3)

Is that bad? It has a certain logic -- voting yes would mean "Yes, I support the VOE process," while no would mean "No, I don't support the VOE process." How would you do it otherwise?

You could have the ballot title read: "Should voter-owned elections be discontinued (terminated, repealed, pick your verb)?"

It's funny that they didn't put the sunset clause in in the first place.

If they do refer it to the voters, you can bet there'll be all sorts of games played with the wording.

Watch very carefully, as city council members are not allowed to campaign for or against. Amanda has already done so by saying she will use it if it passes. Yet, she refused to sign anyone's signature sheets ($5 contribution) because she 'supports Dan."

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