
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 20, 2010 11:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fan mail from down south. The next post in this blog is Spokane's Chasse. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reader poll: What do you think of Blazers' chances now?

The Trail Blazers were pummeled in Phoenix this evening, which means that they're tied with the Suns at 1 game apiece, with the two teams heading to Portland for Game 3 Thursday night. How do you think the Portland team will fare in the seven-game series?

The Suns have evened the series with the Blazers, 1 game apiece. What will be the final outcome of the series?
Blazers in 5 games
Suns in 5 games
Blazers in 6 games
Suns in 6 games
Blazers in 7 games
Suns in 7 games
pollcode.com free polls

Comments (7)

It's a 'Win When?' situation, for sure.

Wait...Why don't we just ask the referees who is going to win when?

I see a lot more people are coming down to earth now and picking what is the right call: Suns in 6. I'm not happy about it, but it's likely the truth.

When they double team Andre the other guards need to step up and make the shots. Rudy is just sucking lately and Martell is unreliable as well. Give the Suns credit, they manned up and went lights out with Grant Hill hitting 10 of 10 to start out which hasn't been done in a playoff game since the 70's. So hopefully they can just erase this loss from their minds with a fresh new start here at home knowing that they still have the home court advantage. I'm also praying to the MRI gods for good news on Nicholas' shoulder because without him our chances don't really look as good.

I'm done with Rudy, he has played himself off the team. He was absolutely AWOL on defense and can't hit his jumpers with any regularity anymore.

Suns in 6 sounds about right.

Grant Hill's not going to play that well again, and Rudy surely has one hot streak in him.

I agree with Baloney Joe. Rudy looked way out of his league last night. He looked affraid to shoot the ball when he was open; and in the first playoff game he missed more 3 point shots than I could count.

It is funny that after Blazers won the first game the voting was 38% to 5% that we'd win the series in 6 games. But one loss later its 32% to 22% that the Suns will win in six. Didn't most of you expect the Blazers to lose one game in Phoenix? With the league determining more of the winners than the players, you have to keep up the ratings and interest, and the Suns have to have some good games. They are good. But Portland can win it and will.

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