
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 3, 2010 8:14 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oregon busting intern abuse. The next post in this blog is Simplification. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Quid pro quo

I see that Dan "Legend" Saltzman is looking to make hay out of his vote in favor of the Paulson stadium boondoggle. An informed reader writes:

You might be interested to know that Jeremy Wright, the campaign manager for the Bradbury campaign, is once again using his position as a Timbers Army leader to recruit Timbers Army members to work the Saltzman campaign. He uses the username "Finnegan" on the Timbers Army message board.


In this message, he is trying to get Timbers Army members to help deliver lawn signs for Dan Saltzman on April 3rd and April 10th.

Saltzman is to politics as "Seinfeld" was to television. It's a show about nothing, but somehow a lot of people watch.

Comments (8)

Saltzman has been wearing the same "Puffy Pirate Shirt" for years. It's time for a new council member.

Clicked the link and got this:

An Error Has Occurred!

Error: Access to the forum from the current url is prohibited!

Some webmasters prohibit "hot linking" because it's a way for web site A to use pictures and stick web site B with the bill.

Some forum software prohibits people from seeing images unless they login. Presumably to reduce costs and increase the userbase.

And some people don't like what they're doing being visible ...

You mean I'm not the only one who sees Steinfeld in that light?

Praise be to....whatever!

I don't know about you, Jack, but mention Steinfeld in the same breath as boring or worse and instant silence fills the air, the others quietly moving away as if you have some great personal uncleanliness.


Cut-n-paste teh link into your browser. They have a block set on links from Mr Bog's page.

Not that it matters, its the same tow dozen boys with bad skin and no girlfriends wh think they are tough.

Saltzman's really hitting the bottom of the barrel for support.


What Steve said - with amendments: Mr. Bogdanski's URL is blocked at several locations; this means that you can't get there from here. You can try Steve's suggestion, but it's worth noting that some sites blocking links from the bojack URL also add your URL to the blocklist.

Why would this be happening? Easy: Mr. Bog has said something that they didn't like, so they blocked his URL and any redirection coming from that URL. It's a silly and juvenile approach, and generally easily circumvented.

You may be able to access the site by simply following Steve's direction. If not, then your IP address was tagged and added to the blocklist.

To get around this, probably the easiest way is to use the {ctrl-n} function in a different browser. This masks your IP address; allowing for semi-anonymous surfing. Obviously, there are more brutal tactics that can be deployed, but that's likely the easiest for the casual user.

Yes, you'll have to copy and paste the link in your own browser's address bar.

I read some of the drivel on that site. Amazingly stupid people. They think the city is not on the hook for general funds for the stadium because the powers that be have said so. Forget about actually reading documents. I guess they didn't learn how or that fact checking is wise. And saying that that the stadium deal is a good deal also goes to their complete blindness to anything but the shiny bauble of an MLS soccer team when the league is in danger of failing like ever past attempt at a US soccer league.

Speaking of sad fixation on sports, good article on baseball:


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