
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2010 9:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was Process of elimination. The next post in this blog is Did Portland police union chief tail his road rage victim for days?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

How it's done

When you contrast this story with what Portland police will do to you just for looking at them crooked, it's pretty telling.

Comments (8)

Great! This is how it is done. This officer deserves all the congratulations he gets.

Courage + judgment = real police.

Good police work in Newburg and the crazy with a gun was white and the son of a retired officer (who someone recognized as such).

When that happens in Portland, it's automatically a tazer to the torso and five to ten rounds in the back and then a two-day huddle for everyone on scene to practice the cover story...

Quite a contrast indeed. Makes it plain how Rosie has stunk up the bureau even worse than her two predecessors. She needs to go NOW. Then, can we get someone a little younger who isn't ten minutes away from retirement? Hmm? Someone who will think and plan for the long term instead of just watching the store and waiting to cash out PERS and move to Palm Springs...

Jack, did you keep reading the story? He ran to a used car lot with a GUN. Now if that story had been different and this guy had shot someone--if your mother or wife had been in the parking lot, would you still have wanted the officer to do what he did? Seems risky to me.

The officer obviously made the right call. Nobody got hurt. In Portland, we'd have a dead person, and police sympathizers would be telling us there was no choice.

Sometimes when you have a dangerous job you actually have to overcome fear. That seems to be lost on the Portland boys, who are coping with steroids and alcohol. Dead civilians are the price.

Classic response from those in the Psycho-Bully Supporter Syndrome (PBSS) If we followed realstoryteller and others with PBSS, the Police would spray each intersection with automatic fire (Blackwater/Xe-Iraq)as they pass through. Think of the mothers and wifes we could protect!

Seriously, every time we have someone going above an beyond the call, the guttersnipes criticize...

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