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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Did Portland police union chief tail his road rage victim for days?

That's the question raised (not in so many words) by this story. He says it's all an amazing coincidence. Why don't we trust him?

Comments (18)

Bah, its a small world. Crazier things have happened. Like monkeys might fly out of my bum...

That would be an amazing coincidence.

I don't buy Westerman's story for a second.

What's that smell?

In yesterday's column by Steve Duin, Westerman said he still flashes back to the two people he has killed.

"Both of these shootings, Patricia Sweany and George Waldum, they live with me," he said. "Every time I see a Volkswagen Jetta GTI, I have a vision of George Waldum, because that's the car he had in his driveway. Every time I see a blue sweatshirt and jeans on a woman, I see Patricia Sweany, consistently and repeatedly."

Maybe it's a very good thing his road rage victim was not wearing a blue sweatshirt and driving a Jetta.

Perhaps when the FBI finally steps in to investigate the Portland Police Bureau from the top down, they will examine Westerman's computers to determine if he looked up the identity of his victim after the first road rage incident and tailed her, leading to the second.

Duin calls this guy the de facto chief of police and claims he aspires to be the actual chief someday.


Forget the boys in blue, it's the stalkers in blue.

Westerman needs some serious psych help NOW!
And he should have his badge and guns taken away too.

I can see an outbreak of the Blue Flu coming soon.

Won't that be exciting.

If Westerman's story accurately reflects the facts, we're left with the impression that he gets out of his car and yells at other drivers at least as often as twice in 48 hours, and that he doesn't remember the same (pretty distinctive) car or its driver even two days later.

Is that idea less troubling than him being a stalker, or more? Hmmm.

Scott Westerman says,

"Both of these shootings, Patricia Sweany and George Waldum, they live with me," he said. "Every time I see a Volkswagen Jetta GTI, I have a vision of George Waldum, because that's the car he had in his driveway. Every time I see a blue sweatshirt and jeans on a woman, I see Patricia Sweany, consistently and repeatedly."

Every time I hear comments like these, I see another phony disability claim on the way.

Don't know if anyone else noticed, but a consecutive story in WW has audio and transcripts of the first call Thompson made, to the PPD non-emergency line, where an officer gives his reaction to the description of the incident:

Some gems from the recording include comments on Westerman’s behavior by Officer Doug Oliver, the cop who took Thompson’s call. Thompson reported to Oliver that the then-unknown officer exited his car, flashed his badge, yelled and threatened to have her arrested for allegedly flashing her car’s high beams (which she insists she didn’t do). Oliver did not know at the time that the cop involved was his union president.

Oliver’s comments to Thompson include:

  • “If you’re gonna make yourself look stupid, don’t expose the badge. That’s just not smart.”
  • “That’s uncalled for. If I did it, I’d deserve to be yelled at at least.”
  • “There’s not a law that says you can’t act like a jerk. But as soon as you show the badge, then your standards have become a little different.”
  • “If he’s that irritated to risk being punished — or his job or days off — then he’s pretty much a problem.”

"Abe" writes "I can see an outbreak of the Blue Flu coming soon. Won't that be exciting." and I'd say the best way to cure "Blue Flu" is to wholesale fire their a$$e$ and be damned and done with 'em one time for all time! Ronald Reagan fired the PATCO air traffic controllers in the early 1980's and that dramatically changed their mode of doing business after-wards for those that were re-hired. Same here as surely there is list of "good cops" that be worthy of "consideration" for re-hire and a list of "bad cops" and "rogue cops" that all will chuckle at at having finally gotten rid of their a$$e$. With high unemployment in the state, it'd shouldn't be all that difficult to find replacements, provided they change the people now in charge of recruitment/vetting of potential recruits ((these characters may be source of why there is such bad characters as in "bad characters recruit bad characters"))

I'm thinking there is a lot more to this fragmented story.
Listen to the audio,read the comments.

"She mentions on the tape after the officer asks her if she got the license plate, “I didn’t spend six years at radio for nothing…” That refers to Bureau of Emergency Communications” so she must have been a dispatcher…"

She knows proper conduct and procedure that an officer should have. They are going to have a heck of a time making her the bad guy. Westerman is most certainly setting up for disability retirement.

Wow, I think those SMART cars are a waste, but he should pick on someone his own size . . .

Maybe he just really hates those smart cars.

My bet is this... Westerbully only files for disability if he's is disciplined and that chances that the gutless Commish Saltzweasel and gutless Chief Rosie Upsize the Bureau do that are slim.

Maybe he just really hates those smart cars.

Having had one for two years, it seems as if there is a certain type of bully personality that gets pissed off at someone driving a smart. I've noticed a lot more people tailgating than I did when I was driving a Ford Escort wagon. A friend of my wife's says she gets similar reactions from some people in her Jaguar convertible.

Most of the people who come up to me in parking lots are quasi-interested, but from time to time I get a guy — usually driving a beater truck of some sort — who says something like: "I wouldn't be caught dead in one of them deathtraps." I usually ask them if they're too scared to ride a motorcycle and they say: "Hell, no!" (or a reasonable approximation). Then I mention the steel cage, the four air bags, the seatbelts, and the fact that it's a lot more stable than a motorcycle, what with the four wheels.

It can pass on uphill grades on the way to the coast, it'll do 85 on the freeway (not that I ever have, Sgt. Westerman). I'm not a small guy, but I've done Portland to San Jose with just stops for gas, so it's comfortable enough. It's not a hybrid and doesn't get the gas mileage of a Prius, but even when gas gets to $4/gallon this summer it'll take a lot of gallons to make up the price difference between my convertible smart and a Prius.

Two laymen recall both the man and the Trans Am who stopped them, while the trained, experienced, street smart, police supervisor can't recall a goofy looking Smart Car? Whaaat?


Concordbridge, that's the big smart car, the four-passenger model that isn't available in the US. It's just eight inches shorter than a Ford Fiesta. The two-passenger smart Westerman flipped out about is three-and-a-half feet shorter than the four-passenger car in your photo.


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