
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2010 10:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was Just another brick in the wall. The next post in this blog is Taps for the General. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Running Windows XP?

Don't press F1.

Comments (6)

More importantly, don't use Internet Explorer! Don't logon to your system as an Administrator and many of these problems go away/don't happen.

Use Firefox with the NoScript, Adblock and FlashBlock add-ons. Then only enable scripts and bits of flash you actually need.

Chrome isn't bad, but has some security holes on Windows (Linux seems fine), as soon as it gets more add-ons and development work to help close those holes it will be better as it is slightly faster than even the newest version of FireFox.

Ideally, everyone should begin moving to Linux (try a liveCD from Ubuntu, etc to see if you like it)

Good luck!

We have and apple now!

THAT is just one reason that we in the techno-geek community call it "Internet Exploter" - it is SO full of holes, patches and problems. I agree with Swede, I use Firefox and occasionally Opera or Chrome, almost ANYTHING but Exploter.

Portland Native, Mac OSX is essentially an Apple front end on a Linux core (with a little bit less security as well, but still better than Winblows)

Native Oregonian, yep Internet Exploder (not to be confused with the Ford Exploder, though there are some similarities) is crap and I only use it at work for internal sites built on Microsoft foundations (SCCM Web reporting for example) that are so poorly coded that they only work on Internet Exploder.


Mac OSX is essentially an Apple front end on a Linux core

Unix, I'd say, is more accurate than to call it Linux.

That is fiendish. All those users conditioned to press F1.

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