
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 25, 2010 1:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Street life, you can run away from time. The next post in this blog is Breaking news (17 hours ago). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner

The city's homeless advocates are planning a demonstration down in the SoWhat District next week to protest the failure by the city to follow through on its promise to put affordable housing in with the toney condo towers down there. Good for the Street Roots crowd. Tell the city it needs to put a methadone clinic in there, too. And in the meantime, check out that brand new park -- it's got camping potential.

Comments (4)

Nice to know that someone still believes CoP when they give their word.

I agree, Steve. That's just so sweet. I'm sure the Tooth Fairy is going to give an extra-special present to some really special people this year. And right after Sam Adams personally apologizes for not acting sooner and demanding that the affordable housing be put in RIGHT NOW, we can all relax and watch the Dallas Cowboys win a shutout World Series.

Me, I have to admit that I'd love to see the city follow through with its promises to the little people, but I'm going to ask for something more likely, attainable, and possible. Now to pick the kind of hatchling dinosaur I'm going to raise in my back yard...

"I'd love to see the city follow through with its promises"

C'mon, those promises are throwaway lines for people like Adams to use to get what he wants. I'd rather they strom City Hall.

Good! For once, some news that makes sense out of SoWa. Low-income housing and TIF-financed urban renewal don't mix, because developing low-income housing doesn't increase property tax revenues. Sure, it's a big fat lie, and plenty of other property-tax-reducing development has already happened for OHSU's benefit, so the outrage is understandable, but the decison not to build low income housing on block 33 is a good one.

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