Another "Thumper" Humphreys encounter
Before he killed James Chasse in the summer of 2006, Portland's violent man child in blue had one of his moments in another alleged fare evasion case on MAX. The injured citizen in that case has now reportedly had the charges against her dropped, but she's still not too happy about the stitches she got back then.
Comments (5)
I predict 1) the PPA will continue to back this scumbug and whine about how they are not respected and appreciated 2) the city will be making another settlement on behalf of Thumper 3) the feds will ignore the civil rights violations perpetrated by the PoPo's rogues and allowed by everyone else 4) Thumper will kill or badly hurt another unarmed citizen
Posted by LucsAdvo | March 17, 2010 6:21 AM
So sad. It would take just one of the feckless city council to ask for the FBI to investigate the thumper.
Posted by KISS | March 17, 2010 7:17 AM
So is this going to end up being the new lottery for idiots? Let's all go out and find Humphreys, do something stupid, resist arrest and sue the city.
What a great city you have.
Posted by mp97303 | March 17, 2010 10:25 AM
Could someone please post a photo of officer Humprheys so that I may more ably judge the degree of fear appropiate if I should be contronted by a Portland Police Officer?
Posted by Dean | March 17, 2010 1:05 PM
KATU has a picture of Humphreys accompanying a story of theirs here. Kinda looks like a baby-faced Jean-Claude Van Damme.
In tracking it down I learned the PPA owns a vacation rental home at the Oregon Coast. Looks nice: new construction, furnished, security system (naturally), although no shooting range apparently, and it's oddly referred to as "the VARP".
Can I use it, since I paid the taxes that paid the union dues that bought the house?
Posted by Eric | March 17, 2010 2:49 PM