
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 17, 2010 4:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was The Grand Dame of Deem. The next post in this blog is Another "Thumper" Humphreys encounter. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Come on now

Is there really nobody in town who can tell us what this was all about? And it appears from the comments there might have been two of them.

Comments (7)

I remember hearing it and thinking "Ohh, that's gonna get the dog running in here" since my dog gets real cuddly any time fireworks are going off.

And yes, she came running in and laid on my feet. Mmm... foot warmer...

But yeah, what the hell was it?

Randy actually had two ideas run into each other in his head causing a spark, then his head blew up.

Were they filming "Leverage" over there anywhere?

The Water Bureau cops could have found it if they had been armed.

I live around SE 39th and Brooklyn, ans I heard this too. It was around 8:30pm. My first thoughts went to downtown where Pervez Musharraf was speaking, which for a second was pretty scary to think about.

A couple of years back a couple of yobbos with a plastic milk jug packed with Pistol Pete's and tapped firmly shut set off a boom in the parking lot next to our home that was probably heard in Seattle. It really is easy to make a big noise...

Clearly no one commenting lives in Sellwood.

As one of the commenters over at OregonLive remarked, there's a lot of folks with serious fireworks fetishes hanging out in Sellwood. Someone just got playful.

I don't live in Sellwood any more, and the difference in pyromania is notably remarkable further east.

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