Fish trolling
Portland city commissioner Nick Fish is formally announcing this week that he's running for re-election, but already he's been hitting up folks who have given him campaign money in the past, asking them to do it again:

It ought to be a fairly easy race for Nick, and we're glad he isn't making us taxpayers pay for it. If only he had beaten Sam Adams years ago and kept the latter off the council -- what a better city we would have had.
Comments (12)
Yeah, Nick's not bad but I'd sill like a few folks on city council and possible a mayor who knows what it's like to run a business in this town -- thenwhat a better city we would have!!!
Posted by PD | February 2, 2010 11:27 AM
Not a good sign of Nick's attention to detail - his website is still just a fundraising site, with no info about him or his positions on issues. That despite the promise at the bottom to check back on Feb. 1st for more information about his campaign.
Apparently the only thing he finds important is the collection of cash.
Posted by Mark | February 2, 2010 11:35 AM
I know he's been at this for only 18 months, but those "accomplishments" aren't really anything to write home about.
Thanks, for the no wake zone, Nick. Now I can both feed my family and sleep better.
And the Washington Park concerts? Gordon Sondland and his wife got the ball rolling with a $50,000 donation to save the concerts. Fish's "rallying" consisted of saying, "Thanks. Find another $50k and you'll get your concerts back."
Posted by Garage Wine | February 2, 2010 11:43 AM
"with record levels of hunger, homelessness and unemployment, we adopted a no wake zone in Ross Island's lagoon.
Posted by Bad Brad | February 2, 2010 11:54 AM
a no wake zone in Ross Island's lagoon
At least the homeless can now sleep there undisturbed. You think that's not important?
Posted by Allan L. | February 2, 2010 12:11 PM
I went fishing last summer in the lagoon at Ross Island and was surprised to find it teeming with Walleye. While they don't belong in the Willamete they were fun to catch. Before worrying about a no wake zone perhaps they should cease dredging while there is still some island left. It is down to a very narrow crescent of land. Probably time to leave it alone.
Posted by Dean | February 2, 2010 12:37 PM
Wow, oh wow. THOSE are his accomplishments? Really?
Saving taxes? Creating jobs? Prove it. Show your math, Commissioner Fish.
Man, there is nothing in that letter that would make a person think, "Gee, I better donate $500, $250, or $100 to keep this city moving forward!"
Posted by Larry K | February 2, 2010 12:44 PM
streamlining the building permit process , hhhhaaaa haaaa ,
good one NF
The last remaining employees grab hold of your application , and drag it ouuutttt to make it look like they are doing anything. NF put on a groucho mask and try to get thru the BDS
Posted by billb | February 2, 2010 2:57 PM
How about a no sleep zone at City Hall?
Posted by Bark Munster | February 2, 2010 7:20 PM
Dean -
The rocks and dirt coming out of the Eastside Big Pipe are being barged to the Ross Island lagoon, and are being used to refill it.
Posted by umpire | February 3, 2010 6:08 PM
I wish to address his “positive” point 3. Saving taxpayers more money opposing a minor league baseball stadium in Lents Park and supporting the lower-cost water treatment option.
Lents Park was saved from the stadium project by the neighbors of Lents Park who formed Friends of Lents Park. They fought hard with a groundswell that should be an example to all in this city. Parks Commissioner Fish was nowhere to be seen until the very end after all the hard work was done by the citizens. The people should have had a strong Parks Commissioner who from day one should have told Leonard No to the idea.
As for supporting the lower-cost water treatment option, well – no. The low cost would have been to stand up for our community with a No vote and a commitment to fight for our Bull Run Water System. New York City is fighting. Fish should have made a trip back to his home state to see how they do it there. Treating for a “problem that does not exist” (Commissioner Nick Fish – 2009) So, Mr. Fish understood the situation, but went along with the rest to move forward with expensive projects. Of course, the Council said they would still continue to request an exemption. Words are cheap, the vote, actions and commitment are what count. Our community will be indebt for over a billion dollars unless we say NO to the EPA LT2 rule. The lack of a strong council may have opened the path to international water corporations someday owning our water when the bill comes due and our people and businesses can no longer pay. (The less expensive option by the way that Fish and the rest voted for is an incremental step and the water bureau will eventually insist on the full scale expensive filtration plant. There is no excuse, if we the citizens understand, why can’t the city council understand?)
We should not support anyone who will not stand up and fight for our 100 year old sustainable Bull Run water system. Some are making excuses that Fritz and Fish are new and better than the other three. Look at the votes. We deserve leaders, not a council of wimps and hypocrites. The most gracious thing that could be said is that they are not fully informed, and if that is the case, they shouldn’t have the job.
Posted by clinamen | February 4, 2010 12:17 PM
another empty suit this guy.
Posted by David Rogoway | February 6, 2010 7:05 AM