
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 15, 2010 8:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Dad loves his work. The next post in this blog is What a bitch. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

"If your kid comes downtown to party, we may arrest her"

While Jesse Jackson shines his glaring light on the Portland police roach motel tomorrow night, the men and women in blue are already warning suburban school districts that they may have to lock up some teenagers downtown over Fat Tuesday. Should be a heckuva night all over town.

Comments (14)

"Oh, we got trouble...right here in River City!"

One of the Grant HS VP's sent a copy of this letter to all the parents. I'm sure it's all very serious, but I just can't help laughing...

I remember working past midnight on a Fat Tuesday several years ago. Within seconds of leaving my building I caught an eyeful of teenage goodies that were rewarded with a clutch of beads from some boys with a cell phone camera.

Aw, C'mon - the man's name can't REALLY be "Dave Famous".

Someone call the Coen Brothers.

It really is Dave Famous.

A very odd career path.

Now the Central Precinct Commander.

Famous replaced Mike Reese. Reese wsa transferred _(and for all practical purposes demoted) to be the Commander of East Precinct about 8 weeks ago.

Former East Precinct Commander disappeared.

FRamous is remarkably arrogant and ignorant, even for PPB.

This letter is a bit wordy (OK, more than a bit) but as for the content ... eh, whatever. Looks like fairly straightforward cop procedure. If I were a school official I would probably appreciate getting it, especially the contact info.

It's been sent to hundreds, if not thousands, of parents as well. The clear message: "We can't be responsible for what happens to your kid in downtown Portland tomorrow night." Let's hope the gratuitous Tasering is kept to a minimum.

I think it would only be gratuitous Tasering if the cops didn't enjoy it so much and didn't do it as often as regular people blink.

Wow! thanks for letting us know. us oldsers will be out too. wouldn't miss it as it's great to see such stuff...in Portland no less! ((PS: where do ya get the beads?))

Just like the Portland cops to double-dog-dare all of the 47,000 teenagers in "the largest school district in the Pacific Northwest." One part Mack Sennett, two parts Marquis de Sade....

Nonny Mouse- Former East Precinct Commander Mike Crebs didn't "disappear," he became the Commander of the PPB Detective Divison. Crebs is a great cop and was absolutely LOVED in East Portland. PPB needs more people like him.

I also would say that Commander Reeese being moved to East isn't a "demotion" either as East is a very busy and challenging precinct to work at.

And finally, I have a funny feeling that tomorrow night (Fat Tuesday) could get pretty crazy with both the partiers and the Jackson circus in town. Let's hope cool heads prevail and no "issues" happen.

Interesting motto on the letterhead: Integrity,compassion,accountability,respect,excellence, service. Or for an acronym: ICARES. Not quite Icarus, but pretty close to the myth of the one who got too arrogant and literally crashed and burned. Wonder if some highly paid consultant was having fun with that one.

Just the same, I've instructed my 'baby thug' not to leave the neighborhood tonight.

I'll just stay home and watch the endless commercials during the Olympics....don't blink you might miss a nano second of winter sports.

Thank God Jesse is going to keep creepy busy tonight. He would probably be downtown looking for teenagers

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