Chasse trial won't be leaving Portland

A federal judge has ruled that the civil trial in the killing of James Chasse by the Portland police won't be moved to a faraway city unless and until it's proven that an impartial jury can't be found here in the Rose City.
In other police brutality news, the police chief, the police commissioner, and the mayor are all digging in their heels to insist that everything's basically fine -- all that's needed is more training and equipment. Apparently, the meanness and anger issues of members of the police force, and the arrogance of their police union, are just something we have to live with.
Meanwhile, the city's wax figure of Richard Daley is using the latest victim of police violence as another pawn in his game of political vengeance for being denied the power to play kingmaker within the police bureaucracy.
Most importantly of all, Jesse Jackson speaks here in a few hours. We'll be listening.
Comments (22)
Fish continues to demonstrate his skills at tightrope walking, and Saltzman's main opponent tries to make some hay out of the mess the "Legend" finds himself in.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 16, 2010 4:07 PM
all that's needed is more training and equipment.
Can't these people see that it's the training (poor) and equipment (excessive) that are the cause of these problems?
Posted by none | February 16, 2010 4:28 PM
Listening for what? What we should look for is the "gratuity" the city pays "Rev." Jackson for his wisdom and guidance.
Posted by pj | February 16, 2010 4:33 PM
What do you possibly think an out-of-state, race baiting, antisemitic shakedown artist could say that will make a difference in this situation?
Posted by HMLA267 | February 16, 2010 4:36 PM
Thanks for the continuing show of ugliness, gentlemen. Classic Portland police.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 16, 2010 4:38 PM
Less ugly than calling Jews "Hymies" or New York "Hymietown".
Posted by HMLA267 | February 16, 2010 4:42 PM
When he fatally shoots somebody in the back, please let us know.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 16, 2010 4:51 PM
Here's the definition of tone-deafness:
Posted by Jack Bog | February 16, 2010 5:04 PM
Different issue Professor.
While there may or may not be problems with the latest shooting, Jackson lost all moral authority to lecture others on race relations when he was quoted using racial slurs against Jews.
Same as his conked-hair buffoon buddy, Al Sharpton, and the lies he pushed regarding Tawana Brawley.
If there are problems with the Portland Police they will have to be dealt with by the citizens of Portland, and the legal system in this state.
Not jet-setting celebrity assholes.
Posted by HMLA267 | February 16, 2010 5:05 PM
Did that feel good to you, officer? Almost like you're back out there beating someone, huh?
You're done here.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 16, 2010 5:08 PM
Thye more that comes out on this the more nauseated I become regarding not just Frashour, but the entirety of the PPB, from Sizer to the local precinct commander to the on site incident commander.
It developes that after shooting the gut in the back, our heroes in blue left him lying i on the ground, without medical assistance, for almost 45 minutes, preventing on scene paramedics from treating the latest PPB murder victim.
Thats despicible, even for the PPB.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | February 16, 2010 5:14 PM
Listening to JJ describe the shooting now; if it's true, it's sickening!
The kid lay there bleeding , handcuffed and dogs are siniffing his blood? Good God!
Posted by puffkitty | February 16, 2010 6:29 PM
Posted by puffkitty | February 16, 2010 6:36 PM
Both the Campbell and Chasse cases are nauseating and despicable. Both shock the conscience. The fact that Sizer defends any of this or claims there is no problem proves she needs to go ASAP. Improvement? Sure. Campbell was only left to bleed out without medical care for 45 minutes. We can call that an improvement over the HOURS Chasse was driven around trussed up like a chicken while he slowly drowned as his lungs filled with his own blood.
Posted by dyspeptic | February 16, 2010 7:23 PM
Its pathetic that it took Jesse Jackson's arrival to get our lame mayor to meet with African American community leaders about this. Adams hid in his office, dodged opportunities to address the shooting at public events- even defended avoiding it - hid behind Saltzman -until it he had no option - because Jackson was on his way here. Whatever you think about Jackson's personal motives, there's no arguing with the fact that he's willing to throw his clout around to make Adams have to answer to his lack of leadership. I hope Jackson stays in Portland and focuses on Sizer next.
Posted by dawn | February 16, 2010 8:05 PM
What's with this line of thinking "Maybe we got race problems but we don't need outsiders comin' round here stirrin' up trouble and tellin' us how to handle our business." Like the bare fact that somebody is from elsewhere just tells you all you need to know. They don't get how it's done here because they're probably from California or Mexico or the midwest or the east coast. I mean, I'd like to know how all these antebellum southerners got here!
Posted by ep | February 16, 2010 8:31 PM
Nice T-Shirt. Wonder where I can get one of those...
But I think we're moving in the right direction. With Dickie Dow the family + the media were scared to deal with the fact he'd been both crazy and dangerous for several weeks. We got no traction. Meija Poot dissolved into finger-pointing between the county and Providence Hospital. The city paid for a nice funeral. Kendra James & James Perez spun around with befuddled representation. But each time we lost, we lost forward. We learned.
Chasse, an immaculate case, took three years of careful stewarding. Campbell hasn't been three weeks and heads are rolling as we type and twitter.
No statement issued from the PPB and PPA will be accepted as base truth for the next decade. City Counsel, from top to bottom, has flunked this test of leadership. Who looks good so far? Not too many. The Albina Ministerial Alliance. TV news is doing a great job. That's about it.
Posted by Jason Renaud | February 16, 2010 11:21 PM
I'll be wearing my "I am James Chasse" t-shirt at tomorrow's rally. Maybe not in my car on the way. Maybe not on the way home. But on the streets, I will. But I'm going to try to add a few things to it (duct tape? Sharpies? I'm still working on the textile technology) - something along the lines of: "I am Aaron Campbell" ... "I am Kendra James" "I am James Jahar Parez." I work hard to be actively involved in community policing in my neighborhood. I formed our block watch. I want to feel safe as a woman walking my streets at night. I truly value what Portland Police CAN do - and deeply respect those who do it well. But I need to trust all of them to do it well. We all do.
Posted by Mary | February 17, 2010 12:24 AM
Don't forget Dennis "Squeaky" Young -- unarmed, and shot as he was driving away from the police, in violation of every rule in the book. At least Potter tried to fire the cop who committed that homicide, but of course he was reinstated.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 17, 2010 12:26 AM
Nice T-Shirt. Wonder where I can get one of those...
Just click on the photo.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 17, 2010 3:56 AM
Basically all Jackson did while he was here is call Oregonians racists and offend all the black students at U of O.
And the only thing worse was the statement by creepy that Campbell "didnt have to die." Well, bravo Mr. Adams. Nothing gets by you.
Posted by Jon | February 17, 2010 9:52 PM
I sooo want to be on the jury, and I promise to be completely unbiased!
Posted by Dean | February 18, 2010 12:23 PM