
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 6, 2009 3:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Blazers go from bad to worse. The next post in this blog is Blazers' new slogan. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

How now, bow wows?

It's Week 13 of the NFL season, and the seventh week of our charity pro football underdog pool. The boys and girls who play our game have spoken, and here's whom they've picked (in caps) to win their games outright:

13 DETROIT at Cincinnati - Andy
9.5 WASHINGTON vs. New Orleans - Sidney, Robert
7 TENNESSEE at Indianapolis - Flynn, Bad Brad, Michael K.
6.5 TAMPA BAY at Carolina - Gary, jmh, Kevin, Rick, Doug (corrected -- my mistake)
5.5 ATLANTA vs. Philadelphia - genop, Annie
5 KANSAS CITY vs. Denver - Mark, Gordon
3 BALTIMORE at Green Bay - George, Hank

Genop's mom was unsuccessful on Thursday night with BUFFALO vs. NY Jets, which would have netted her 3 points.

This week's orphan 'dogs:

13 CLEVELAND vs. San Diego
11.5 OAKLAND at Pittsburgh
9 ST. LOUIS at Chicago
5 MIAMI vs. New England
2.5 NY GIANTS vs. Dallas
2 ARIZONA vs. Minnesota

Houston at Jacksonville and San Francisco at Seattle are both "pick 'ems," and so by rule they are not on our slate for the week. Our standings going into this week are here.

Have a great day, enjoy the games, stay warm -- and may your kneecaps be unbroken, by and by, Lord, by and by.

UPDATE, 1:52 p.m.: No winners today. George and Hank go for small points tomorrow night.

Comments (5)

Washington had to go through the entire checklist of 100 Mistakes to Giveaway a Football Game, but still, the Saints did take the win.
Meanwhile, Oakland beat the Steelers. Both upsets were in play today, but I still can't believe the spread had the Redskins more likely to beat the Saints, than the Raiders winning.
The Redskins are pushing the envelope of losing.

I died with them at the end last week, and a while back in Atlanta. Ugly.

It doesn't look good for the dogs this week. The few who won weren't picked. Monday night appears the only possibility left. Sheesh.

Nobody said it was going to be easy.

It will be easy from here on out.

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