
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 6, 2009 4:13 AM. The previous post in this blog was How now, bow wows?. The next post in this blog is No explanation for Oden knee collapse. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blazers' new slogan

"Writhe with us."

Comments (10)

Man, look at that knee. That's one messed-up knee. (Additional comments here.)

It's still dark and I just woke up. The wind's making that sound like the trunk of the big tree out back is going to come down on me like God's own drumstick.
While I slept, my brain's been working as a D.J. again. It was ready with the perfect tune for when I woke up and thought of Greg Oden's injury.
That's an amazing little moment when you come to again, isn't it? I was okay for a few seconds....then wham! There it was: Not the tree but another giant falling down. I thought of the sight of Greg on the floor at the Rose Garden: Hideous and chilling.
I make it to the hall before my brain's D.J. fired up the song. John Lennon's voice kicked in:
"The dream is over,
What can I say?
The dream is over,
I was dreamweaver,
But now I'm reborn,
I was the walrus,
But now I'm John,
And so dear friends,
You just have to carry on,
The dream is over."

I really like Oden, and I am sorry he got hurt. Truth is though this team will not lose more games without him.

Nice kid, but too injury prone. He'll never be a star in the NBA. Really nice kid, though.

Just another typical Blazer story. Remember when they made such a spectacle of bringing him here?

I've read a bunch of comments about GO after his injury. Everything from best wishes, prayers to the very negative variety. You know..I wish humans didn't have the capacity to be so cruel. And how can anyone know what someone's future holds? The answer is they don't.

A Blazer center with a propensity for career ending knee/leg/foot injuries?


natsthecat . . . while no non-sociopath/psychopath would wish physical harm on another human being, it's hard to have an abundance of sympathy for a 20-something kid who bounces a rubber ball for a living and is financially set for the rest of his life assuming he doesn't blow it on cars, X-box games, hookers, and fighting dogs.

Many of us on the other hand have worked our entire lives, will never earn as much in our lifetimes with 7 years of higher education, and at this point have no job, health care or retirement savings.

So sad to say I'm a little short on the sympathy for millionaire jocks. As a native Oregonian I'm still trying to figure out why anyone wastes a dime on the Blazers and basketball. Get a freaking NHL hockey team in Portland and maybe we'd find some athletes to get behind year in and year out. Compared to football and hockey basketball is barely a sport. Portland would be money ahead if it would legalize Jai Alai--fast paced, great uniforms, you can gamble on it, and there's always the real risk of death if somebody gets beaned in the gord with the pelota.

Jack Bog . . . the correct turn of phrase upon witnessing young Mr. Oden's injury would be "bone-chillin'" or maybe "knee-knockin'". In Bowie's case "shin splittin'" and in Walton's case "foot crushin'".

Bill, "Go Oden" anagrams to "God one."

Fan, there was no "knockin'." The guy is made out of glass. His knee blew up on its own. Sad.

And also to "One Dog" . . . which it appears that draft pick will prove to be.

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