
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 24, 2009 9:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was Turkey 'dogs. The next post in this blog is Just deserts. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kroger goes after Minnis

Pass the popcorn -- this is getting good already.

Comments (11)

Jack, since the AG isn't saying what the investigation all about, I think it's time for a poll.

Obvious possibilities:
- Bernie Giusto
- Fred Monem
- Neil Goldschmidt
- Karen Minnis
- Tuck Minnis (sexual abuse coverup at the Minnis's pizza joint)

I'm sure there are other semi-public skeletons in the Minnis closet I'm
forgetting right now. Or maybe it's something entirely new and exciting!

John Minnis - I wondered what happened to him. If he loses his pension, then Randy Leoanard will be the only person to ever get exempted from PERS to collect PFDR money after serving in the Legislature.

Just some trivia.

Minnis was a creep as a cop. When first elected he tried to ban any education about problems with nucleur power as a commie plot. He and Randy shoved their special pension deal thru the whore house(legislature) as the clock struck 12 in that legislative session. Whatever it is, no surprise. Is Kroger going to go after any of the Goldscmidt mafia (aka Pedo Sam), or is he ethically challenged too

One of the problems with political appointments is that those that appoint them do not want anybody who has anything positive (morally, ethically or academically) qualities. All that's required is to kiss body parts and keep their mouth shut.

Check out the highly paid "leaders" in government (and some in private business) and often you will find very little in the way of past accomplishments.

So is it any wonder that they have to be shown the door?

just found this at KGW's comments and want to share it with all of you: newsflasher said:

"uh-oh! bad day at PoPiggyLand as this dude was most instrumental in laying the groundwork for today's climate of "abuse of power" and "lack of accountability" for law-enforcement in this state, more especially for the PoPo. He was an infamous triple-dipper having served as officer/sgt. for PPA, then State Legislator and then on to State Senator, while sharing a bed with State's Speaker of the Legislature Karen Minnis, and having resigned as State Senator to take over the agency he'd masterminded during his legislative tenue to provide "duck 'n' cover' tactics for all the "good boys" within the little system known as "Oregon Law Enforcement". He and his wife displayed the most exemplary of rightwing Republican lifestyles in that they ascribed to the hallmark characteristic: 'we got ours, now f**k you, you get yours' and as long as their toes weren't stepped on in your getting yours, they didn't notice you...God help you other- wise! We all need to shout from our rooftops in joy at this news"

it all comes out in the wash...let's hope so.

John Minnis is also the one who sponsored a bill about 2003 that would have laid terrorism charges on just about any group of Oregonians that gathered together to express their political views. Hundreds of people, including Portland's police chief, showed up at a hearing in Salem to call bulls*** on it.

"Republican lifestyles in that they ascribed to the hallmark characteristic: 'we got ours, now f**k you, you get yours' and as long as their toes weren't stepped on in your getting yours, they didn't notice you...God help you other- wise!"

I believe Randy Leonard is a registered Democrat.

Isn't Randy a registered corporatist?

I thought Randy was a registered egomaniac.

I previously worked at DPSST in an at-will position. When Minnis was hired in 2004, he asked me to bend the rules to hire his friends into positions that I supervised. He also said derogatory things about women and hispanics that live in east county. Essentially, he was a bully that had no experience running an agency like DPSST. When I questioned his practices, he told me I need to find another job. Luckily, the Department of Administrative Services recognized that I had enough evidence to sue the state if I chose to do so, they reassigned me to another agency. I've never been fired from a job, and I always try to do what is right and follow the rules. My experience with him was the worst professional experience of my career. I can't say I am surprised he is under investigation. I am only surprised that it took this long.

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