
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 25, 2009 11:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was The least they can do. The next post in this blog is Well, everybody's heard about the bird. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fish on cops: "Please don't expect me to do anything"

Here's a bold statement from a guy who never wants to have a real job again.

Comments (16)

What exactly is the point of his statement? Wow.

The bottom of Fish's statement was cut off. Here is the whole thing.

Nah, just the opposite. He's running to hide in the pantry, but Saltzman's jostling him to get back in there himself.

C'mon everyone of these commissioners lives in a fantasy where they gin up projects unconnected to the reality of what we really need.

Why would this situation be any different? The minute one of the screws up or acts cowardly, its circle the wagons.

From Saltzman being wishy-washy, Randy saying nothing for 3 years until its politically advantageous or Sam on permanent vacation.

Hey, I just saw Nick Fish wearing a T-shirt that says "I am Dan Saltzman"

Truly a profile in courage.

That's the beauty of commission government.

"Ain't my department, folks".

Is that really the whole thing?

Philosophical question: If a milquetoast issues a memo in the forest, and no one cares, does the memo really exist at all?

If genuine, wow. Astonishing.

It seems like someone was drafting a memo and typed a few lines and then wound up finishing it elsewhere -- got the file names mixed up and sent the incomplete draft out. I mean, it's not even signed.

Seriously, is that the full statement? Woah. What's with that random line about last winter's emergency? Uh, Nick, it's called "snow." Many cities in these United States have it from time to time. The cops don't get special praise because they show up to work during those days.

Why didn't he just write "Duhhhhhh."

It is indeed comforting to know that Nick Fish has full confidence in the Portland Police and his fellows at City Hall. What was the point of this memo? Is he kidding? Perhaps Nick Fish really is a fish.

At least Randy Leonard finally told the truth about the Chasse murder. Sure, he waited a long time to say it, but at least he tells it like it is.

amazing it is! pristine example of political
weasle-wording if ever there was one! way to
go there Fish!

Jack, I am glad you have lost confidence in Fish. I knew all along he is a lightweight friggin pansy. Hopefully we will get rid of him and Salztman in 2010.

Nick "Jelly" Fish -- no backbone.

Can we go back to the days when Strachan and Lindberg and dare I say it Mildred (the bag lady) Schwab were serving on the city council? At least they all took real stands.

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