
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2009 9:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Pie is nigh. The next post in this blog is Brandon Roy sighting. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Still a gem

Remember Emilie Boyles, Portland's first "clean money" City Council candidate, who took taxpayer money for her campaign, broke nearly every rule in blowing it, and then skipped town leaving taxpayers holding the bag? When we saw that the President was in Montana yesterday for his health care town hall, we thought we'd check up on old Emilie, who was last seen as a "news anchor" on a tiny TV station in Glendive. But when we ran a Google search to obtain an update, we found that her personal site is on a malware watch.

"This site may harm your computer." Thanks, Google. If only you had been that smart and helpful in 2006.

Comments (5)

Hmmm - An application for MalPolitico warnings.... Karl Rove, the RNC and others would pay big money to quash that... and how long would it take to download the updates to the watch lists every month?

I can tell you that our friend to the north in Redmond won't be working on this type of application any time soon.

But can she bake a pie?

It just means that someone doesn't like her and flagged her site - it doesn't mean that there's any actual malware emanating from the site. She's not bright enough to figure out how to do that, which should have been your first clue.

She could probably hire her daughter to do it.

I have lately assumed that most websites on the Internets have malware embedded in them with or without the knowledge of those running the sites.

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