From pharmacy to faucet
With several people at the Portland Water Bureau constantly mailing us, texting us, covering us with bumper stickers, and tweeting us about how wonderful the city's drinking water is, it's good that a dissenting voice is heard now and then.
Comments (15)
I'd love to read a dissenting voice, but that blog's font and excessive use of all caps induced nausea.
Posted by Anon | July 13, 2009 10:46 AM
An awful lot of exclamation marks too.
Posted by Not that "Steve" | July 13, 2009 11:42 AM
No numbers.
Posted by Lawrence | July 13, 2009 12:14 PM
I think I see a parallel with certain other blog postings...
...but I may be wrong!!!!
Posted by cc | July 13, 2009 12:15 PM
Dissenting voice or simply uninformed drivel? Nothing like scary statistics completely out of context. I'll stick with Bull Run water any day over the total idiocy of paying for tap water in a bottle. This is categorically not a dissenting voice, but merely another anti-science enviro crap filled scare piece written to make us all feel paranoid. Come on Jack! I expect better of you than selling this as simply a "dissenting" voice.
Posted by Dean | July 13, 2009 12:42 PM
I didn't sell it. I linked to it. But I think it does ask an interesting question: How does birth control medication get into Portland's drinking water?
Also, I found the presentation style quite amusing.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 13, 2009 12:46 PM
Here's a link to the water bureau site listing the specific amounts of the "PPCPs."
Caffeine was detected in Bull Run water (who knows how it got there), and caffeine and the other PPCPs were tested in the Portland well water supply (so much for flushing un-used meds down the toilet - or maybe used ones too???).
The amounts are on the order of parts per trillion, or a few thousandths of a milligram per liter of water. I don't know about the other meds, but I think the OTC ibuprofen tablet is 200 mg, and a cup of coffee might have 100 mg of caffeine. Drinking a thousand liters of water a day will add 9-25 mg of caffeine to your system, 25 mg of acetaminophen, 2.4 mg of ibuprofen, and 1.8 mg of sulfamethoxazole.
I bet there are scarier things in water...
Posted by PdxMark | July 13, 2009 1:08 PM
Forget water.. let's have fun and talk about hamburger!
Posted by PdxMark | July 13, 2009 1:16 PM
"Hormone pollution." I'm no scientist but maybe it works like this: Women take birth control pills. Birth control pills are not fully metabolized / consumed. Women pee un-metabolized / un-consumed chemicals from birth control pills into toilets. Water flushed from toilets enters sewer and goes to sewage treatment plant. Sewage is treated and water "returned" to river. Water in river evaporates/returns to atmosphere. Water from atmosphere condenses into rain and snow and falls on Mt. Hood and into Bull Run. Everybody, except for the distilled water guy, drinks Bull Run water. Everybody's on birth control.
Posted by dg | July 13, 2009 1:22 PM
Coming soon: A disclaimer from the city that Bull Run water does not prevent sexually transmitted disease.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 13, 2009 1:39 PM
My sources tell me it isn't the Bull Run water but the well water mixed in.
Posted by Lawrence | July 13, 2009 2:03 PM
Grateful for the sensible dissents from the "dissenter" whose screed is just one more rant from those who avoid serious analytical arguments. No numbers, no calculations of risk factors. Just noise.
Posted by Don | July 13, 2009 2:19 PM
Don't shoot the messenger. Obama's science czar has some ideas on what to put in the water...
I report. You decipher.
Posted by LexusLibertarian | July 13, 2009 2:34 PM
With all that crap in the water already, you'd think people would drop their objection to fluoride (sp?). I mean, the dissolved Prozac and Ambien is great, but my kids need better enamel.
Posted by Mike (the other one) | July 13, 2009 8:55 PM
One doesn't need to read all of that logorrhoea, aka verbal diarrhea, to recognize a nut case. And lest anyone think filtration is the answer, the last thing we need is the Water Bureau filtering our pristine water, like they are still planning, which will introduce a host of new chemical toxins.
Posted by STEVE | July 13, 2009 11:03 PM